Takoma Park Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes, November 7, 2017

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA
Meeting Minutes, November 7, 2017
7-8pm, APR
Secretary: Allyson Piazza

Attendance: 23 Members, 17 non-members

Welcome and Updates: Lia Goldstein, PTA President

Early release days (11/9, 11/10) dismissal at 1:20pm

Next PTA meeting December 5 will be an International Night holiday celebration at Takoma Park Middle School in conjunction with PBES.  It will be potluck so families are encouraged to bring food to share and to wear ethnic attire.

Fundraising update: Ingrid Carter, VP Fundraising.

Dolphin Drive started last week and will end on 11/22.  A letter went home in dolphin folders last week requesting donations for the PTA. Please give generously and encourage family and friends and neighbors to support the PTA as well.   Send donations using envelopes provided or donate online via PayPal through the PTA website. https://tpespta.net/dolphin-drive/ Our goal is to raise $5,000

Treasurer’s report and audit of last FY (copies provided).  Erin Kelley, Treasurer

Budget amendment for Dolphin Den (sensory rooms) – an additional $400 to account for equipment spending.  Unanimously approved by members present.

Budget amendment for an Artist in Residence to help facilitate the creation of a mural inside the school.  The idea is to have the theme of the mural related to equity/inclusion/friendship, and a celebration of the diversity of TPES students.  Passed a sign-up sheet around for parents interested in being involved with the mural design/planning.  Unanimously approved budget amendment for $5,000.

Before/after school enrichment update: Virginia Davis and Annelies Echols

Successful fall (exceeded enrollment), fulfilled all the scholarships requested.  They appreciated the input from the survey responses to make the next session go smoothly. Two more 8wk sessions (begin in Jan and April).  Enrollment forms and schedules will go home later this month.

Volunteer needs:  Lia Goldstein

Art teacher needs help on Wednesdays to hang art around the school.  Literacy volunteers needed for Junior Great Books program and homework club, basketball game committee members/coordinator, supply kit coordinator, NAACP parent rep (along with Ms. Dyroff who is the teacher rep).

Grading and Reporting Presentation: Pat Smith, Assistant Principal

MCPS PowerPoint presentation and handout provided.

Other business: Lia Goldstein

A TPES family had a house fire this morning.  The family needs size 6 boys clothing.  There will be a collection box in the front office for donations.

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes, October 3, 2017

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA
Meeting Minutes, October 3, 2017
7-8pm, APR
Secretary: Allyson Piazza

Attendance: 38 members, 16 non-members

Welcome and updates: PTA President Lia Goldstein

  • Walk to School Day tomorrow 10/4
  • Safe Routes to School closed the wooden stairway from the Community Center for one week for safety reasons.
  • Thursday 10/5 is Kindergarten Literacy Night 7-8:15pm and the Book Fair is 3:50-8:15pm.  If you can’t come to the book fair, you can shop online with free shipping to your classroom.
  • Monday 10/9 is Open House
  • November PTA meeting might be a joint meeting with PBES PTA; December PTA meeting will be International Night

Fundraising update: Ingrid Carter, VP Fundraising

  • Dolphin Drive will begin mid-October; this is a donation drive to fund all of the important services the PTA plans to provide this year.

Treasurer’s report: Erin Kelley, Treasurer

Health and Wellness Committee: Marissa Walker, Chair

Introduced Rus and Ray from Chef’s Table Farm.  They provide the weekly farm stand at TPES.  They presented the PTA a donation check representing 2% of sales from the spring farm stand.  November 2 is the last day of the weekly farm stand until spring.  They will be accepting pre-orders for Thanksgiving (free-range turkeys) that will be delivered to the school on 11/20.

Before/after school enrichment: Annelies Echols

Please contact her with feedback on how the programs are going.

Volunteer opportunities: Sarah Corcoran, Volunteer Coordinator

Contact her if you are interested in volunteering.

Upcoming volunteer needs: (1)Friday 10/6 paint the sensory room 10-12.  (2)Junior Great Books: volunteers needed for small group enrichment.  Parents, grandparents welcome. (3) Readathon needs committee members.

Presentation by Dr. Gadsden: Learning Differences

Download Learning Differences Handout

Watch Video of Learning Differences Presentation



TPES Book Fair – Thursday, October 5th.

[gview file=”https://tpespta.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/bookfair_Oct_2017_ed.pdf”]

Online Registration for Fall Enrichment Classes Is Now Open!

We are pleased to announce that online registration for the PTA’s Before and After School Enrichment program is now open.

Classes will begin the week of Sept. 25 and end the week of Nov. 17.

Register Online for Fall Enrichment Classes.  

Visit the PTA’s Clubs Page For More Information.

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes, September 7, 2017

September 7, 2017
6:30-7pm, APR

Secretary: Allyson Piazza

Attendance: 34 members, 26 non-members

Welcome: PTA President Lia Goldstein

All future PTA meetings will be on the first Tuesday of the month 7-8pm in the APR (cafeteria)

Budget: PTA Treasurer Erin Kelley

Brief overview, few questions.  Budget approved unanimously by members present.

Volunteer opportunities: Lia Goldstein

There are many events and committees that need volunteers, please contact Lia Goldstein if you are interested.

Anyone volunteering at the school needs to complete the volunteer training certification online.  There is a link on the PTA website (www.tpespta.net) and on the school website.

Justine Lassman, Room Parent Coordinator: teachers need at least one Room Parent so please consider volunteering.  Let Justine know if you are a Room Parent so you can join the yahoo group and connect with other Room Parents.

PTA Before/After School Enrichment Programs: Virginia Davis

Online registration started today, please visit the PTA website and yahoo group for more information.

Meeting adjourned, 7pm

Before and After School Enrichment Program – Schedule Details

We are pleased to announce schedule details of the PTA’s Before and After School Enrichment program.

Classes will begin the week of Sept. 25 and end the week of Nov. 17.

Registration for fall begins 9/7/17.  We will email a registration link to this list serve and publish it on the PTA’s website.  Spanish translators will be available at Back to School Night to assist with registration.

Final pricing will be included in the registration system, but classes range from $110-$175 for the session. Scholarships are available on a limited basis to students who qualify for the free / reduced price meal program.   Please let us know if you are interested in sponsoring a scholarship student!

See the Schedule

Fall Semester Enrichment Classes and Clubs – Registration Begins 9/7

We are excited to announce that enrichment classes and clubs for the fall semester will be offered September 25th through November 17th on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday morning.  Specific enrichment program offerings and the full schedule will be announced in early September, but a few of the confirmed programs include Storybook Theatre, Karate, Running, Nature Science Lab, Basketball, and Yoga.

Limited scholarships will be available to those who need them as they have been in the past.

Online Registration for Fall Semester Enrichment Classes and Clubs begins 9/7/17.

Visit the TPES PTA Clubs page for more information.