Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

September 10, 2019. 6:45pm-8:00pm


7:00 Welcome and Introducing Small Things Matter – Meghan McDonald, President 

  • Introducing Small Things Matter – Lana Anderson

They are providing child care very other month at PTA meetings.  They are middle and high school students who work with elementary kids.  They have 2 programs – literacy and crafting. 

Tonight they will read a story, play games and then paint rocks they can take home.



  • Upcoming Dates and Announcements:

Mon, Sept 30: No School 

Tues, Oct 1: PTA Meeting + Coat Drive and Halloween Costume Swap, 7-8pm

Wed, Oct 2: Walk To School Day

Fri, Oct 4: Early Release for all students; TPES dismissal @ 1:20pm

Wed, Oct 9: No School

Tues, Nov 5: PTA Meeting  – Power Tools for Power Struggles by PEP

Thurs, Nov 7: Literacy Night


7:10 Present and vote on the 2019-20 budget Kelley Skelton, Treasurer

  • Ended last year with $27,000, which helped the PTA commit to supporting Orton Gillingham teacher training over the summer and fundraise afterwards.  Fundraising was successful in reaching the $10,000 goal to cover the training.
  • Executive Committee decided to keep about 3 months of operating expenses in the bank as a reserve, which will allow us to make these kind of commitments in the future.
  • Budgeting for this year was done conservatively (higher end estimates for expenditures and lower end for fundraisers).  Expenses and fundraisers for the year were summarized.
  • Please go on the PTA website and become a member, which will let you vote at PTA meetings and will support the PTA budget.  If you need help affording a membership, booster memberships are available. It is on the PTA website on the membership page as the last option.
  • New this year is $4000 for PTA grants for administrators or teachers with great ideas throughout the year.
  • Thanks to Tracee Matthias for writing successful grants to receive $5000 from the National Education Association Grant and Dollar General Literacy Foundation grant for $2000 (awarded a few days ago) to support a Saturday literacy program.
  • We approved a summer of budget of $1700 and only spent $1100 though some expenses may be still trickling in. 

7:20 Before and After School Enrichment  – Shana Sabbath on behalf of Virginia Davis, After School Enrichment committee chair

  • TPES and PBES traditionally organize after school enrichment activities to balance interest of parents and based on what is expected to get sufficient enrollment.  Enrollment is open now, closes Monday, September 16.
  • Scholarship requests needed by this Friday, September 13.  You can reply to emails or reach out to Shana or Virginia if you are interested in a scholarship.
  • Virginia Davis and her counterpart from PBES have collaborated very closely to align their programming to better support families with children at both schools.
  • PTA subsidizes the program, so is more affordable than similar programs elsewhere in the community. 

7:30 Keeping up with PTA news and opportunities  – Lauren Greenberg, VP Communications

  • Lauren is the contact for the PTA website.  Website is maintained by Gabe Seiden, a former TPES parent (now at PBES), who runs a website design and communications firm in Takoma Park ( and has volunteered his services for the PTA. 
  • Ways the PTA will be trying to communicate with families this year: 
  • Please let Lauren know if there is information you’d like on the PTA website, or if you are interested in helping with communications (e.g., writing posts, putting up flyers)

7:40 Lunchroom expectations – Dr. Gadsden

  • When there are 200 children in the room, there have to be rules to avoid unsafe situations.
  • There is an enormous amount of food on the floor during lunch, so we try to keep kids from getting up to keep it safe.  Kids need to raise hand and get a pass to go to the restroom. If all passes are gone, they have to wait for kids to return before they can go.
  • Kids may have a perception that they are being made to be quiet for the entire lunch period, but it isn’t the entire lunch period.  Would be last few minutes of lunch when they are trying to get out the door for recess. They are asked not to yell during lunch.
  • At beginning of the year, they set the tone so that the rest of the year goes well.  They want kids to be safe and happy.
  • Kids usually have “free sit Friday” so they can sit anywhere they want if rest of the week has gone well.
  • If kids are overstimulated by the lunchroom environment, it is an option to sit in the atrium.
  • Children are encouraged to eat healthy foods first.  If that’s a problem for you and your child, let them know and they won’t direct that at your child.
  • There are 3-4 people in the room with the children.  
  • For challenges at lunch, there isn’t one answer that will work for everyone.  They will decide what’s best for the school, but are then happy to adjust for specific families with different needs.
  • Q: How did the first week go?  A: The first week went extremely well.  
  • Q: I understand volunteers are wanted for lunch?  A: We would love volunteers. Only request is that you help and not just sit next to your kid and eat with them.  You can help open thermoses and ketchup packets. If you just come one time, you don’t need volunteer training, but if you want to come more than once, please do the training.  You can come during any lunch and don’t need to prearrange it. We will be glad to have you.
    • Kindergarten parents, please wait until October to volunteer so that the kids get into their routine first.
  • We don’t ever keep anybody back from recess.  But do send classes that have cleaned up and are sitting quietly first, to encourage good behavior.
  • 55:1 is staffing ratio for lunch and recess.  We are happy to have volunteers and that reduces ratios.  No sign up needed for recess volunteering either.


7:50 Get Involved!  Open volunteer opportunities, big and small:

  • Health & Wellness committee: participates in organizing the 5K race and decides how to spend proceeds (which has supported flexible seating in classrooms like yoga balls and wiggle seats, farm stand at TPES).  Things happen based on what committee members are excited about. Meetings will be at the Girl and the Vine. Committee also purchasing a sensory pathway for the school. New ideas for the committee are very welcome.
  • Lunch & Recess volunteers: can just show up to volunteer
  • Cultural Arts Assembly coordinators: puts on monthly assemblies for the school.  If you enjoy putting together events or being engaged with activities for your child, this could be a good committee for you.
  • Social Services committee: work with Mr Althofer to make sure kids have warm coats and backpacks.  Purchased gift cards to support families in need. Is a behind-the-scenes committee that does really important work in our community.
  • Teacher Appreciation committee: thanks staff and teachers for all they do.  Provide dinner on parent-teacher conference nights, a week of teacher appreciation activities in May as well as a token at the holidays.  If you’re interested in coming up with new ideas to show our appreciation to our hard-working staff, please join. 
  • Equity committee: started out to support an after-school homework club for kids who needed an extra boost for their academic work.  Big focus last year was to make this effort sustainable and brought Lunch-n-Learn to have a home base at TPES and PBES. This year a big focus is to align efforts with PBES and create a joint committee that provides seamless support to the community.  First part of the year will be brainstorming next efforts for the year.
  • Readathon committee: this is the largest PTA’s fundraiser and it’s amazing how much excitement for reading is created with the kids through the Readathon.  Are many different ways to volunteer, especially in February and March.
  • Room parent coordinator: would coordinate room parent efforts schoolwide.  Please see Meg McDonald if interested
  • After-school enrichment committee: supports the after-school programming.


Committee chairs are listed here.


And please join the PTA.

First JOINT TPES/PBES PTA Meeting of the Year: October 1

Parents and staff from both Takoma Park ES and Piney Branch ES will begin our year of joint meetings starting next Tuesday. More information and agenda below!


Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 6:45-8:00pm

Location: All Purpose Room @ TPES


Coat Drive and Halloween Costume Swap

Pick up some new fall coats and costumes! Please bring gently used items to the meeting, or drop in the office on Monday or Tuesday. 

6:45 FREE pizza and drop off kids (ages 3 and up)  in gym for FREE babysitting


7:00 Welcome – WHAT does the PTA do & WHO are we?


7:05 Upcoming Events and Announcements

Wed, Oct 2: Walk To School Day

Fri, Oct 4: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm

Wed, Oct 9: No School

Mon, Oct 14: TPES Open House, 9:30 – 11:00, 2:30 – 3:50

Wed, Oct 16: ESOL Night @ PBES

Sat, Oct 19: PBES Takoma Prom @ Kaldi’s Social House 6-9pm

Thurs, Oct 24: PBES Fall School Photos

Nov 1-26: PBES Read-a-thon & Book Fair (Nov. 4-8)

Tues, Nov 5: PTA Meeting  – Power Tools for Power Struggles by PEP

Thurs, Nov 7: TPES Fall Book Fair (3:50pm to 8pm)  + Kindergarten Literacy Night, 7pm

Mon, Nov 11 & Tuesday Nov 12: Early Release & Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wed,  Nov 27: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm 

Thurs & Fri, Nov 28 & 29: No School

Tues,  Dec 3: PTA Meeting/TPES International Night


7:10 Treasurer’s Report (& PBES Budget Vote) 

Kelley Skelton, Treasurer TPES and Amy Gibson-Grant, PBES

7:20 Dolphin Drive
Sasha Johnson, Fundraising Chair TPES

Panther Appeal
Angela Riemer, VP of Fundraising PBES


7:25 Reading Update: How is the teacher training changing what’s happening in classrooms?

Dr. Gadsden


7:40 Social-emotional curriculum updates at PBES

Mrs. Oberdorf

8:00 Coat and Costume Swap & Adjourn

Get ready for SOCKTOBER

SOCKTOBER: A Month Long Community Sock Drive

This October Takoma Park ES wants to prove that even the smallest act of caring, like donating a pair of new socks, can help make a huge difference in the lives of our neighbors who are less fortunate!

SOCKTOBER is a national sole warming movement that gives everyone an easy and fun way to help those in need within their very own community.

So why should you participate in SOCKTOBER?

Because every night in the United States hundreds of thousands of people sleep on the streets or in shelters and are in need of simple things, like socks.

So please donate a new pair of socks for men, women or children. Just send your child to school with the donated socks to bring to the classroom.

First TPES PTA Meeting of the 2019-2020 School Year

Welcome to the 2019-20 School Year!

This will be a meeting to approve the budget and let you know about open PTA volunteer opportunities and after school enrichment sign ups.

Location: TPES Cafeteria/All-Purpose Room

Time: Pizza and childcare available starting at 6:45; meeting begins at 7:00


7:00 Welcome

Introduce Small Things Matter

Upcoming Dates and Announcements:

Mon, Sept 30: No School 

Tues, Oct 1: PTA Meeting + Coat Drive and Halloween Costume Swap, 7-8pm

Wed, Oct 2: Walk To  School Day

Fri, Oct 4: Early Release for all students; TPES dismissal @ 1:20pm

Wed, Oct 9: No School

Tues, Nov 5: PTA Meeting  – Power Tools for Power Struggles by PEP

              Thurs, Nov 7: Literacy Night


7:10 Present and vote on the 2019-20 budget  – Kelley Skelton, Treasurer


7:20 Before and After School Enrichment  – Virginia Davis, After School Enrichment committee chair


7:30 Keeping up with PTA news and opportunities  – Lauren Greenberg, VP Communications


7:40 Lunchroom expectations – Dr. Gadsden


7:50 Get Involved!

Open volunteer opportunities, big and small:

Health & Wellness committee Lunch & Recess volunteers

Cultural Arts Assembly coordinators Social Services committee

Teacher Appreciation committee Equity committee

Readathon committee Room parent coordinator

After-school enrichment committee