January 29, 2024: Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

Learning Resources and Dreambox
Dr Gadsden’s newsletter yesterday highlighted several resources provided by MCPS here. Most students have likely completed their mid year MAP-M and DIBELS, and teachers will likely share your child’s report in the coming weeks (and will become available on ParentVue). As you review your child’s progress, it’s a good time to remember that our PTA paid for free Dreambox subscriptions for each student in K-3 to practice math at school and home! If you don’t know how to login, ask your teacher!
Book Sorting Volunteers  Still Needed: Wednesday, January 31, 4-5pm
Great news! PBES will receive a large donation of books (over 1,000!) on January 31st. PBES and TPES will split these books for the schools’ read-a-thon giveaways. We are seeking 10 volunteers to help us sort the books on Wednesday, January 31st at 4pm. If you can help for an hour, please sign up here. The TPES PTA very much appreciates the many excellent books already donated. We will continue to accept additional book donations at 7301 Takoma Ave. If we have enough, kids can take home 2 books or we will save some for next year.
Does Your Child Have Extra Pants in Their School Cubby? 
Please send in labeled pants with your child to stay in their cubby in case a change of clothing is needed. Most children only have shorts from the beginning of the year as their change of clothes.
Consider Wearing Boots for Recess
Your child may have reported that if they have snow boots they will be permitted to on the unplowed/unshoveled/muddy playground areas. Students in crocs/canvas shoes/dress shoes will be asked to stay on the blacktop when they go out so they stay dry! Wet shoes for the rest of the day is pretty miserable.
Nurse Seeking Donations of New or Excellent Condition Pants (Sizes 4-10) 
Please consider sending in an extra pair of pants for the nurse’s office. Not only do bathroom accidents happen, children need to change their pants if they fall in the mud/wet grass, spills in the cafeteria, etc. As a Pre K-2 school, we have lots of change of clothing needs!
Support a TPES Family During a Time of Crisis
On behalf of a dear kindergarten student at TPES and his family, Ms. Paz has created a GoFundMe page. His mother, 26 year old Maria, passed suddenly from complications due to her leukemia. There are many medical expenses and the sudden death has complicated the family’s finances. Help is needed to pay for the hospital and funeral expenses, as well as continued care for the Kindergartner. Any contribution will be enormously appreciated. Click here to contribute to the GoFundMe. 
Meal Train to Support a TPES Family in Crisis
Please consider signing up for a meal train to support this kindergarten student. There are no dietary restrictions. The meal can be delivered to Ms. Paz at TPES’s front office for the day you sign up. Please consider using a container that does not need to be returned like a disposable aluminum foil pan. Please provide a note (in Spanish preferred) of how to prepare. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Paz. Click here to sign up for the meal train.

PTA Working Group on Smartphones: Tuesday, January 30, 8-9PM
Did you get excited about the Wait Until Eighth campaign introduced at our October PTA meeting? A follow-up working group is meeting next week! Here’s the meeting link. Please contact Amber (amber.rieke@gmail.com) with any questions.
Provide MCPS Feedback on Inclement Weather Makeup Days 
Did you know we’ve already used up our snow days? Complete this survey to provide feedback on when you’d like the makeup days to take place.
Green School Recertifcation at TPES: Bring in dried-up markers and used-up glue sticks
There are 2 boxes in the Atrium, one for dried-up markers and one for used-up glue sticks. Please send your used items in with your child! We will send them to be recycled once the boxes are full! Let’s see how many pounds of plastics we can prevent from going into our landfills!
Upcoming TPES Events 
January 30: TPES PTA Working Group on Smartphones
February 6: Joint PTA Meeting

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January 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)
Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES)
Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)
Rescheduled: Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 7 – 8pm on Zoom 

Agenda will include:
(1) Upcoming TPES and PBES dates and announcement
(2) Update about Black History Month events
(3) Presentations by Dr. Gadsden (Principal of TPES) and Ms. Oberdorf (Principal of PBES) on protocol and processes for virtual school in the case of inclement weather.
(4) Q&A

7:00 PM: Meeting Kick-off 

Kaitlin Caruso, TPES PTA President welcome

7:05 PM: Upcoming Dates & Announcements
Joyce McDonough, TPES PTA VP Communications
Chris Campbell – PBES PTA VP Communications 

TPES Announcements: 

  • Little Scholars Club Registration Extended through Sunday, January 21, 8pm for Cheerleading, Hip Hop, and Mini Med

We have been working with Little Scholars to ensure improved programming this winter session. If a class is no longer listed, it is full. Please click here or on the attached flyer to register. 

  • Next Food Forest and Gardening PTA Committee on Wednesday, January 24th 8-9PM

To learn about planting in the spring, Spring Gardening Club update; and Green School recertification. Please email Erin Mohan mohan.erin.m@gmail.com for the Google Meet link.

  • Green School Certification at TPES: Bring in dried-up markers and used-up glue sticks

There are 2 boxes in the Atrium, one for dried-up markers and one for used-up glue sticks. Please send your used items in with your child! They’ll be sent to be recycled once the boxes are full! Let’s see how many pounds of plastics we can prevent from going into our landfills! 

  • Volunteers Needed to Coordinate TPES/PBES Soccer Spring Event

This spring the TPES and PBES PTAs hope to hold a soccer game event to bring together our school community. If you are interested in helping to make this happen, please reach out to Kaitlin Caruso (president@tpespta.net

    • Thanks to our parent volunteer, Alfia Ali, we have an active Amharic-language WhatsApp group for TPES parents. We also have a Spanish-language WhatsApp group, led by Ms. Paz. Help us spread the word! 
  • Advice on Lice. We are still having reported cases of lice at the school. You may have noticed that our PTA is including tips in our weekly newsletters to keep lice front of mind. We have also purchased some medicated shampoos and combs for the nurse to distribute to families who may need them. 
  • Blair HS has their STEM night for Grades K-5 on January 26th, 
  • There is NO school on January 29th. 

PBES Announcements: 

    • The Geography Bowl has begun! Packets should have come home with you children with maps of Africa and The Americas and questions about these regions. For anyone unfamiliar with the GeoBowl it’s a voluntary opportunity for kids to develop an enthusiasm for geography and create school spirit through team competitions. The packets are completed outside of class time and the classroom with the highest percentage of completed packets gets a donut party 🙂 You can learn more about the GeoBowl on the PBES PTA website HERE, including important dates:
      • Monday, January 22 4pm-5pm and Thursday, January 25 8am-9am packet completion help at school for those kids interested in getting support completing their GeoBowl packets 
      • Thursday, February 1st Final day to turn in completed packets
      • Monday, February 5th All corrected packets will be returned to classrooms
      • Please consider volunteering by filling out this FORM
  • TPES/PBES Soccer Spring Event: reach out to Sara Lewis at serowe@gmail.com if interested in participating through PBES.
  • Little Scholars Club Registration is open through Sunday, January 21st. Scholarship applications are now closed. We are accepting donations to help cover the cost of scholarships for the Spring Semester of after school programming. Link here to make a donation.
  • January 24: Instrumental music concerts at TPMS: 6:00 p.m. Strings Concert, 7:00 p.m. Band Concert. Family and friends are invited to attend. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. Pratt at Stacia_A_Pratt@mcpsmd.org.

Amanda Wagner from TPES and Leanne from PBES will now share a special announcement about the Read-a-thon at each school.

  • Read-a-thon is a schoolwide event to encourage kids to read over a period of three weeks.
    • TPES: starts February 14
    • PBES: starts February 2
  • Parents submit their readathon minute trackers back on fridays; win pizza party for most read
  • Book giveaway on first day, starting book collection next week
  • Families may submit donations for every minute or book read. Will be sending home information.
  • How to participate (both schools)
    • Book collection: Donate books for the book giveaway, particularly books in Spanish
    • Parent volunteers
      • Help with book giveaway
      • Tally minute trackers
    • More information coming soon
  • Contact information:

7:15 PM: Update from NAACP Representatives and PTA leadership regarding Black History Month Events

Gabrielle Williams, TPES PTA NAACP Representative
Ingrid Gardiner, PBES PTA President 

  • Theme: Blacks in the Arts
  • Solidifying date for the event at the end of February
  • Will be held at PBES
  • Planned for the event:
    • Food
    • Dance troupe
    • Opportunities for student involvement
  • More details coming soon

7:25 PM: Protocol and Processes for Virtual Schooling In the Case of School Closures Due to Inclement Weather (Including time for Q & A)
Ms. Joi Hollis, Principal of TPES
Ms. Christine Oberdorf, Principal of PBES 

  • Dr. Gadsden will stay on the call at the end for further questions
  • Slide Deck
  • MCPS Operating Status
    • Color coded system (LINK)
    • Multi-step process for making the decision to close (LINK)
      • Team tracking weather data and what surrounding districts are doing
  • Code Purple: Virtual Learning (LINK)
    • Only happens under certain conditions
      • Predictable storm/event
      • Part of multi-day event
      • Prior preparation and communication has taken place – school will know by noon the day before
    • Get Ready announcement will be sent from school
    • Required to have live (synchronous) instruction on 2-hour delay schedule
    • Attendance taken: maximize flexibility if difficulty during sign-on
    • There will be opportunities to make up work missed if unable to be online
    • Chromebook: must have access to a device for live instruction
      • Request device (link)
      • MCPS ITS handles the distribution
        • Tech days
          • TPES: Wednesdays
          • PBES: Fridays
      • MiFi device – request through school principal
      • Technology support resources (LINK)
      • Additional Tech Supports: School will send the resources via email when having a Code Purple day
      • Advance planning: Ensure you can find Canvas and Clever – look at documents and check with teachers/child to find out if child knows their signon details
      • Sign up for MCPS alerts (LINK)
    • Meal service: offered at 20 sites thru county; MCPS will communicate where these will be
    • TPES Schedules
      • Separate schedules for each grade
        • Start: 11:05
        • Lunch: 12:05-12:40
        • K: will not have specials – many movement breaks
        • User-friendly icons (teacher faces) to help out students and families
          • Hub to click on your grade level to take you to the slide deck with your child’s grade.
    • PBES Schedules
      • Start: 11:05
      • Lunch: 12:45-1:30
      • Follow pod and teacher within grid
      • Specialists will use the teacher zoom link to keep from switching rooms
    • Can assign chromebooks the day before the code purple if needed


  • How TPES kids move from classrooms for homeroom/math: Canvas landing page will have zoom link and their schedule; TPES working out how to handle math transitions; Students will switch virtual classrooms for reading if they have Ms. Wade.
  • Snow days: only 2 built into the calendar. Unsure what January 29 or spring break will look like yet. MCPS may ask the state for special dispensation to avoid makeup days.
  • Do students have to logon to a MCPS device? Everything can be accessed through student’s google account. No need for a specific device from MCPS.
  • Canvas: do students know how to use it? Students are familiar with accessing it.
  • Chromebook tech issues: send device to school and IT will troubleshoot. 
    • Tech days
      • TPES: wednesday
      • PBES: friday
      • Send in the device (not charger) with a note of the issue
      • Not always immediate reply; will try to turn around based on availability 
  • Students sign in to Google with their ID and .net email. For example: 123456@mcpsmd.net. Then they input the same password they use in school.
  • Passwords and logins: if students don’t remember, call the office
  • Preferable for kids to be on their own computer rather than having several kids on one projector/device.

7:50 PM: Budget Updates
Amy Swift, TPES PTA Treasurer
Rachael Pierotti, PBES PTA Treasurer

  • TPES include link to document?
    • Through December 31, 2023
    • Ahead because of Dolphin Drive, Read-a-thon, Dolphin Gear
  • PBES include link to document?
    • Fundraising same as last year
    • Working on getting more business sponsorships
    • Bookfair expenses
    • Holiday treats, etc. 
    • Total expenses: $15,086

7:55 PM: THANK YOU: Kaitlin Caruso, TPES PTA President 

Reminder that next meeting is Tuesday, February 6, 2024

General questions:

  • Are they learning how to access Canvas at school? Teachers are teaching this based on their tech level; making as much of the navigation visual.
  • Lost and found: ideas to organize? Teachers borrow from the lost & found when someone needs a coat; they try to reconnect kid with coat when possible; appreciate any help with that; Parents: take an inventory and come by the school to go through the atrium
    • Possible ways to help
      • PTA take photos and send on listserv
      • Donation of coat racks for better organization?
      • Want to ensure everyone gets their things back before donating this year. 
      • There is a supply of available hats/gloves/coats at PBES that they give out when they see a need.
  • Tomorrow (January 19) is NOT a virtual day. Building will not be accessible.
  • PTA will try to hold a session on how to log in for virtual learning, on MCPS Chromebook and non-MCPS device.

January 22, 2024 – Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

Reminder: NO SCHOOL Next Week: Monday, January 29th!

TPES/PBES PTA Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes from our PTA Meeting held last week on January 18th, are now available at our website and by clicking here.  While the slide deck that Ms. Oberdorf and Ms. Hollis presented are linked in the minutes, you may also find a shortcut here.

Support a TPES Family During a Time of Crisis
On behalf of a dear kindergarten student at TPES and his family, Ms. Paz has created a GoFundMe page. His mother, 26 year old Maria, passed suddenly from complications due to her leukemia. There are many medical expenses and the sudden death has complicated the family’s finances. Help is needed to pay for the hospital and funeral expenses, as well as continued care for the Kindergartner. Any contribution will be enormously appreciated. Click here to contribute to the GoFundMe.

Meal Train to Support a TPES Family in Crisis
Please consider signing up for a meal train to support this kindergarten student. There are no dietary restrictions. The meal can be delivered to Ms. Paz at TPES’s front office for the day you sign up. Please consider using a container that does not need to be returned like a disposable aluminum foil pan. Please provide a note (in Spanish preferred) of how to prepare. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Paz. Click here to sign up for the meal train.

PTA Working Group on Smartphones: Tuesday, January 30, 8-9PM
Did you get excited about the Wait Until Eighth campaign introduced at our October PTA meeting? A follow-up working group is meeting next week! Here’s the meeting link. Please contact Amber (amber.rieke@gmail.com) with any questions.

Next Food Forest and Gardening PTA Committee on Wednesday, January 24th 8-9PM
We have some great updates to share! Agenda includes planting in the spring, Spring Gardening Club update; and Green School recertification. Please email Erin Mohan mohan.erin.m@gmail.com for the Google Meet link.

Seeking Book Donations and Read-a-thon Co-Chairs
Like last year, we will kick off the 2024 Read-a-thon with a book giveaway! Each student will get to pick out a free book to jump-start their reading adventures. We are seeking donations of lightly-used books suitable for grades K-2. Because each child will receive a book, we need LOTS! If you have book donations, please reach out to Amanda Wagner (helloamandawagner@gmail.com). If you’d like to hear more about parent volunteer opportunities during the Read-a-thon or if you’d be interested in co-Chairing this event, please reach out about this as well!

Green School Recertifcation at TPES: Bring in dried-up markers and used-up glue sticks
There are 2 boxes in the Atrium, one for dried-up markers and one for used-up glue sticks. Please send your used items in with your child! We will send them to be recycled once the boxes are full! Let’s see how many pounds of plastics we can prevent from going into our landfills!

Kindness Day 2024: Saturday January 27 from 10:30-1pm at Piney Branch ES.  
In honor of Tommy Haskins, Small Things Matter is organizing its second annual Kindness Day. TPES PTA will have a table to invite families to write valentines to teachers and staff. There will be many other organizations and activities to spread kindness to the community!

Obeying Traffic Laws
Cars and trucks CANNOT go down the bus loop,(entering from Holly Avenue). If you find yourself going downhill through the bus loop, past the school (on your left), you are driving unlawfully. Vehicles should only be going uphill (entering from Philadelphia Avenue) with the school on the right. It is unsafe for drivers and pedestrians when drivers drive unlawfully. Please keep in mind, the bus loop is only to be used by school buses from the hours of 9:05 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Proper Dress for the Weather
Please be sure your child is dressed properly for the weather. At this time of the year, children should have a coat or jacket when coming to school. If there is an emergency and the school is evacuated, your child may be uncomfortable standing outside for extended periods without a coat. A coat worn to school will be required for recess, emergency evacuations and dismissal. The adults on staff will make the determination if and when jackets can be removed. If your child needs a coat, please let us know.

NEW Amharic TPES Parents WhatsApp Group
Thanks to our parent volunteer, Alfia Ali, we have an active Amharic-language WhatsApp group for TPES parents. Help us spread the word!

Advice on Lice
Each week, we’ll feature one of the many tips that Dr. Gadsden highlighted in her newsletter to help remind our community that we all need to be vigilant!
TIP #4: Check hair and scalp regularly: Examine the hair and scalp of all family members regularly throughout the year. This means all adults and children living in the same house. In addition to regular checks, you should check your child right away if you see them scratching their scalp, ears or neck. Early detection is key!

Upcoming TPES Events
January 24: Food Forest and Gardening Committee Meeting, 8-9PM
January 26: End of Quarter 2
January 29: No School
January 30: TPES PTA Working Group on Smartphones

Upcoming Community Events
January 26: Blair HS STEM Night for K-5
January 27: Kindness Day in honor of Tommy Raskins, kindness stations at Piney Branch ES, 10:30-1pm
January 27: Takoma Woods Cleanup (Rescheduled from MLK Day), 10-12pm

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January 15, 2024 – Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

TPES/PBES PTA Meeting This Thursday, January 18, 2024, 7-8pm via Zoom (link will be sent the day of the meeting)
Our meeting last week was postponed due to the potential of power and internet outages. Agenda includes: 1) Upcoming dates and announcements; 2) Update about Black History Month events; 3) Presentations by Dr. Gadsden (Principal of TPES) and Ms. Oberdorf (Principal of PBES) on protocol and processes for virtual school in the case of inclement weather; 4) Q&A

Next Food Forest and Gardening PTA Committee on Wednesday, January 24th 8-9PM
We have some great updates to share! Agenda includes planting in the spring, Spring Gardening Club update; and Green School recertification. Please email Erin Mohan mohan.erin.m@gmail.com for the Google Meet link.

Green School Recertifcation at TPES: Bring in dried-up markers and used-up glue sticks
There are 2 boxes in the Atrium, one for dried-up markers and one for used-up glue sticks. Please send your used items in with your child! We will send them to be recycled once the boxes are full! Let’s see how many pounds of plastics we can prevent from going into our landfills!

Seeking Book Donations and Read-a-thon Co-Chairs 
Like last year, we will kick off the 2024 Read-a-thon with a book giveaway! Each student will get to pick out a free book to jump-start their reading adventures. We are seeking donations of lightly-used books suitable for grades K-2. Because each child will receive a book, we need LOTS! If you have book donations, please reach out to Amanda Wagner (helloamandawagner@gmail.com). 

If you’d like to hear more about parent volunteer opportunities during the Read-a-thon or if you’d be interested in co-Chairing this event, please reach out about this as well!

Volunteers Needed to Coordinate TPES/PBES Soccer Spring Event
This spring the TPES and PBES PTAs hope to hold a soccer game event to bring together our school community and potentially raise money for the various programs that the PTA supports. In the pre-COVID era, this event was a basketball game, but there have been calls for a soccer game instead. If you are interested in helping to make this happen, please reach out to Kaitlin Caruso (president@tpespta.net) 
Obeying Traffic Laws
Cars and trucks CANNOT go down the bus loop,(entering from Holly Avenue). If you find yourself going downhill through the bus loop, past the school (on your left), you are driving unlawfully. Vehicles should only be going uphill (entering from Philadelphia Avenue) with the school on the right. It is unsafe for drivers and pedestrians when drivers drive unlawfully. Please keep in mind, the bus loop is only to be used by school buses from the hours of 9:05 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Proper Dress for the Weather
Please be sure your child is dressed properly for the weather. At this time of the year, children should have a coat or jacket when coming to school. If there is an emergency and the school is evacuated, your child may be uncomfortable standing outside for extended periods without a coat. A coat worn to school will be required for recess, emergency evacuations and dismissal. The adults on staff will make the determination if and when jackets can be removed. If your child needs a coat, please let us know.

Upcoming Emergency Drills
In the coming weeks, we will have both a Drop, Cover and Hold and a Severe Weather Drill. The Drop, Cover and Hold Drill is designed to prepare for earthquakes while the Severe Weather Drill will prepare students for tornadoes.
MCPS Winter Parent Academy Workshops Now Available
Take advantage of virtual Parent Academy sessions this winter to stay informed and empowered as a partner and advocate for your student’s education. Parent Academy TO GO  workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children’s academic and emotional well-being, as well as help them to be college and career ready.
Upcoming sessions and topics this month:
Managing Morning Mayhem and Bedtime Battles: Jan. 17, 6-7 p.m.
Online Safety Tips for Kids and Teens: Jan. 24, 6-7 p.m.
Visit the parent academy website for a full schedule and to register.
NEW Amharic TPES Parents WhatsApp Group
Thanks to our parent volunteer, Alfia Ali, we have an active Amharic-language WhatsApp group for TPES parents. Help us spread the word!
Advice on Lice
Each week, we’ll feature one of the many tips that Dr. Gadsden highlighted in her newsletter to help remind our community that we all need to be vigilant! 
TIP #3 Keep Hair in Tight Buns and Braids
Children with long hair are especially susceptible to getting head lice since head to head contact is the most common way lice is spread. Loose hair is more likely to come in contact with hair from another child or adult with an active case of head lice.
Keep in mind, 97% of head lice cases are spread through direct head to head contact. So the best way to prevent lice is to avoid close head contact with others, that includes selfies, sharing a pillow, whispering and hugging.
Upcoming TPES Events 
January 18: Rescheduled PTA Meeting
January 24: Food Forest and Gardening Committee Meeting, 8-9PM
January 26: End of Quarter 2
January 29: No School

Upcoming Community Events
January 26: Blair HS STEM Night for K-5
January 27: Kindness Day in honor of Tommy Raskins, kindness stations at Piney Branch ES, 10:30-1pm

January 8, 2024 – Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

TPES/PBES PTA Meeting TOMORROW,  Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 7-8pm via Zoom (link will be sent the day of the meeting)
Agenda includes: 1) Upcoming dates and announcements; 2) Update about Black History Month events; 3) Presentations by Dr. Gadsden (Principal of TPES) and Ms. Oberdorf (Principal of PBES) on protocol and processes for virtual school in the case of inclement weather; 4) Q&A

TPES Literacy Night This Thursday – January 11, 7-8:30PM
In addition to the wonderful programming by TPES staff, which will include literacy game stations and more, the TPES PTA volunteers will be available with laptops in Ms. Fahrenhold’s room (Media Center) to assist parents and caregivers with the following:

  • Complete the MCPS volunteer training so that you may participate in volunteer opportunities at the school.  This is a great chance to just knock out that training you’ve been meaning to do for so long!  Volunteer training certification lasts 3 years.  If you do not know your ParentVue account information, then TPES Staff will be available on-site during Literacy Night to locate your activation key so that you can create a ParentVue account.  ParentVue is an excellent resource for information on your child’s education through MCPS.
  • Sign up for access to MCPS Chromebooks at home to take advantage of Dreambox and Benchmark at-home programming and in the event of weather-related extended school closure.
  • Register for Little Scholars after-school enrichment by the January 12 deadline.
  • Sign up for the WhatsApp groups for Spanish and Amharic-speaking families.
  • Purchase TPES merchandise (hoodies, t-shirts, keychains, magnets, and water bottles).
  • Become a TPES PTA member (https://tpespta.net/).

Little Scholars Club Registration NOW OPEN until January 12, 8am
Registration is open! Click here to register! No late registrations accepted. The TPES PTA is funding scholarships and will review the applications and attempt to fund as many as possible on a first-come, first-serve basis. To apply for a scholarship, click here.

In a change from the fall semester, Little Scholars’ classes will now be one hour in length (instead of 1.5 hours) from 4-5pm. If you have a child at PBES doing Little Scholars on the same day, there is an allowed grace period of 15 minutes to pick up between schools, though there will be a penalty if you arrive after 5:15pm to respect the instructors’ time.

If you have questions regarding pick up, drop off, or return to KA, please our PTA volunteer for after school programming, Emily McCarthy. If you’d like to speak directly with the rep at Little Scholars, please contact Nicole Brown at: nbrown@littlescholarsllc.com

Seeking Book Donations and Read-a-thon Co-Chairs 
Like last year, we will kick off the 2024 Read-a-thon with a book giveaway! Each student will get to pick out a free book to jump-start their reading adventures. We are seeking donations of lightly-used books suitable for grades K-2. Because each child will receive a book, we need LOTS! If you have book donations, please reach out to Amanda Wagner (helloamandawagner@gmail.com).

If you’d like to hear more about parent volunteer opportunities during the Read-a-thon or if you’d be interested in co-Chairing this event, please reach out about this as well!

Volunteers Needed to Coordinate TPES/PBES Soccer Spring Event
This spring the TPES and PBES PTAs hope to hold a soccer game event to bring together our school community and potentially raise money for the various programs that the PTA supports. In the pre-COVID era, this event was a basketball game, but there have been calls for a soccer game instead. If you are interested in helping to make this happen, please reach out to Kaitlin Caruso (president@tpespta.net)

Is Your Child Missing a Winter Coat?
The atrium is FULL of lost coats, hats, gloves, etc. Please stop by before or after school to visit our Lost & Found in the Atrium area. If you plan to come during school hours, please remember to bring your driver’s license to sign in.  Don’t forget to label your child’s belongings! Lost items will be donated at the end of the month.

NEW Amharic TPES Parents WhatsApp Group
Thanks to our parent volunteer, Alfia Ali, we have an active Amharic-language WhatsApp group for TPES parents. Help us spread the word! 

Request a Chromebook Today
Let’s avoid a last minute rush to secure a Chromebook for your child in case we have multiple weather-related closings. Even if you have a family or work device at home, you will likely prefer your child to have their own device on that snow day. Email your child’s teacher AND fill out this form.

Advice on Lice
Each week, we’ll feature one of the many tips that Dr. Gadsden highlighted in her newsletter to help remind our community that we all need to be vigilant!
TIP #2: Avoid ‘Community Piles’
If your child wears a jacket and hat to school, it’s best to put them in their backpack or cubby hook when they get to school. Avoid piling hats or scarves in piles in the classroom or at recess.

Upcoming TPES Events
January 9: PTA Meeting
January 11: TPES Literacy Night
January 15: No School
January 26: End of Quarter 2
January 29: No School

Upcoming Community Events
January 15: MLK Jr. Service Day: Takoma Woods Cleanup 10am-noon
January 26: Blair HS STEM Night for K-5
January 27: Kindness Day in honor of Tommy Raskins, kindness stations at Piney Branch ES, 10:30-1pm

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January 2, 2024 – Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

Happy New Year!!!

Next Joint TPES/PBES PTA Meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Please note the change of date since the first Tuesday of the month falls on the last day of winter break. 

Little Scholars Club Registration Open January 4, 8am – January 12, 8am
The winter season of Little Scholars will be opening this Wednesday! We recently shared parent feedback with Little Scholars regarding past experiences (both positive and negative) and are working closely with them to ensure improved programming with engaging instructors! No classes will be cancelled for low enrollment until after the registration deadline has ended and if a class is cancelled at that point, parents will be notified, reimbursed, and have the option to sign up for another class that is being offered even though the registration has closed.

In a change from the fall semester, Little Scholars’ classes will now be one hour in length (instead of 1.5 hours) from 4-5pm. If you have a child at PBES doing Little Scholars on the same day, there is an allowed grace period of 15 minutes to pick up between schools, though there will be a penalty if you arrive after 5:15pm to respect the instructors’ time. If you have questions regarding pick up, drop off, or return to KA, please our PTA volunteer for after school programming, Emily McCarthy.

No late registrations accepted. The TPES PTA is funding scholarships and will review the applications and attempt to fund as many as possible on a first-come, first-serve basis. To apply for a scholarship, click here.

If you’d like to speak directly with the rep at Little Scholars, please contact Nicole Brown at: nbrown@littlescholarsllc.com.

NEW Amharic TPES Parents WhatsApp Group
Thanks to our parent volunteer, Alfia Ali, we have an active Amharic-language WhatsApp group for TPES parents. Help us spread the word!

TPES Literacy Night is now in January! Apologies for the multiple reminders to save the date in December. More information to come from the school.

Volunteers Needed to Coordinate TPES/PBES Soccer Spring Event
This spring the TPES and PBES PTAs hope to hold a soccer game event to bring together our school community and potentially raise money for the various programs that the PTA supports. In the pre-COVID era, this event was a basketball game, but there have been calls for a soccer game instead. If you are interested in helping to make this happen, please reach out to Kaitlin Caruso (president@tpespta.net)

Request a Chromebook Today
Let’s avoid a last minute rush to secure a Chromebook for your child in case we have multiple weather-related closings. Even if you have a family or work device at home, you will likely prefer your child to have their own device on that “snow” day. Email your child’s teacher AND fill out this form.

Art Contest Opportunity to Design New EV Van Wrap
MCPS’ Division of Sustainability and Compliance/SERT (DSC) is holding a new art contest for a design of our new EV van. This is a great opportunity for students and/or staff to showcase their artistic/graphic design abilities.  Please spread the word.  For more information, click here. Deadline is February 2.

TPES PTA Listserve Etiquette
Please remember to only post TPES-community related events, information, questions, etc. on this list serve! Let’s all be mindful of each other’s inboxes! 🙂

Advice on Lice
Each week, we’ll feature one of the many tips that Dr. Gadsden highlighted in her newsletter to help remind our community that we all need to be vigilant!

TIP #1: Don’t Share Hats, Jackets or Scarves
It’s less common for lice to spread through clothing but it’s always a good idea to remind your child not to share hats or winter clothing that comes in contact with hair.

Upcoming TPES Events

January 9: PTA Meeting
January 11: TPES Literacy Night
January 15: No School
January 29: No School

Upcoming Community Events

January 26: Blair HS STEM Night for K-5