TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: February 2022

Takoma Park Elementary School(TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


Please mark your calendar for our next PTA meeting on March 7 7-8pm 


7:00 Welcome from Chris Campbell, TPES PTA VP of Communications, and sharing of Upcoming Dates and Announcements by Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA VP of Communications 

Upcoming Dates and Announcements from the MCPS School Calendar 2021- 2022


Upcoming Dates and Announcements: 


— Feb 21: MCPS closed for President’s Day 


– Feb. 22: PBES will have another vaccination clinic (probably after school again, 4:30-7pm – watch for follow-up information). 


— Feb 24: virtual joint TPES and PBES Black History Month event with Denise Jones, Carpe Diem Arts 


— Feb 25-March 4: TPES Scholastic Book Fair: please consider signing up to help out- to set up the fair, break it down, or staff the registers. All volunteers will need to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination and complete the online training on recognizing child abuse and neglect- instructions for how to do so can be found here. For more details about the fair, including shopping hours, popular titles, and no-cash payment options, check out our homepage. Please contact Shivani Sutton if you’d like to help out:


— PBES Geo Bowl: We are seeking volunteers for the PBES GEO Bowl. Please contact the PBES PTA if you would like to volunteer. 


— March: TPES Read-a-Thon and possibly PBES?


–March 11: early release day 


— MCCPTA Updates  – The MCCPTA Health and Wellness Committee drafted a COVID mitigation recommendations letter that went forward to the Board of Ed recently. They will create space for conversation about if the letter is supported by the full MCCPTA delegates’ assembly at this month’s MCCPTA delegates assembly. We will share the full letter with folks via the list-servs


7:10: Introduction of Ben Jealous by Jumana Musa, PBES PTA NAACP Representative 


7:15: Presentation and Q&A with Ben Jealous, American civil rights leader, current president of the People for the American Way, and former president and CEO of NAACP


7:50 Treasurer’s Reports 

Stephen Tippett, TPES Treasurer and Kate Bauer, PBES Treasurer 


Become a PTA member: 

Takoma Park Elementary

Piney Branch Elementary