Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES) &

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 6:45-8:00pm

Location: All Purpose Room @ TPES



Takoma Park Elementary and Piney Branch Elementary PTA meeting

Meeting notes:


Welcome – WHAT does the PTA do & WHO are we? 


Equity update – We have a combined equity committee to make sure we are serving all of our communities.  The committee is working on the following: Little Libraries on each campus to ensure accessible culturally relevant text; both PTA Executive Committees will be doing equity training to make sure all decisions are considered through the lens of equity; we also offer after school club scholarships to ensure opportunity for all at both schools; the Young Scholars Program, started at TPES to ensure academic support for those who may not have access to that support, is expanding to PBES; ESOL night very successful at PBES and will be expanding to TPES.  We welcome members and input as equity is a core part of our work as a PTA.


Upcoming dates and announcements

 Nov 1-26: PBES Read-a-thon & Book Fair (Nov. 4-8)

Thurs, Nov 7: TPES Fall Book Fair (4pm to 8pm) + Kindergarten Literacy Night, 7pm

Fri, Nov 8: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm

Mon, Nov 11 & Tuesday Nov 12: Early Release & Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wed,  Nov 27: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm

Thurs & Fri, Nov 28 & 29: No School

Tues,  Dec 3: PTA Meeting – Sweet Treat Exchange –  6:45p-8p


Please join us for the PTA Meeting in December –  there will be a Sweet Treat Exchange!  Fun, easy, we hope to bring us all together.


Treasurer Reports:

TPES: We are doing really well, anything that has happened in November since Dolphin Drive began isn’t in the report, but we are already getting donations.  Please write your email address if you send a check so we can acknowledge you for your taxes.  We are not even at halfway in the year but already almost at halfway with regard to fundraising.  Some of you may have bought Dolphin Gear, that presale allowed us to provide more assets to TPES this year and next.  We will have a stand on Nov. 11 for parent teacher conference- you can get gear then!


PBES: We just ended our fall Panther appeal and we met our goal (applause!).  That was in part because of the Takoma Prom – we learned a lot and had a lot of fun.  We exceeded the fundraising goal for Prom.  Doing well on our goals, meeting them, we are in good financial position but we need to be sure to keep it up.  We will have lots of programs coming soon so those funds will start going out.  We are in good shape and we’ll be putting those funds in action soon!


City County Guests:

Mayor Kate Stewart

Councilmember Peter Kovar (Ward 1)

Councilmember Cindy Dyballa (Ward 2)

Councilmember Kacy Kostiuk (Ward 3)



  • They came to introduce themselves and talk about how we can give involved in the city
  • Mayor Stewart has had kids come through our school system and knows it well! Every year there is an essay contest for fourth graders- “If I Were Mayor for a Day”.  It’s a short essay that is statewide- the Maryland Municipal League gets fourth graders to do this and they pick them- kids get to go to Annapolis with the Governor.  They also choose 2 – 3 in Takoma Park to spend time in the city office, police department, etc.  We hope your kids will do it this year! It will come out in the Spring.
  • Cindy introduced herself, her kids went to Rolling Terrace but knows the school system well.
  • Peter mentioned that even though the school system is through the county they will get questions about locations and school support. The councilmembers fought for Piney Branch to expand and can possibly play a role in advocating for the next step there.
  • Casey noted there is a sheet with their contact information. Most put out weekly emails so feel free to sign up!
  • They meet on Wednesday nights, 7:30 at the community center, feel free to join! Its also covered by TV so you can tune in live and streaming (on the city website).
    • They have committees on a whole range of issues – trees, rec, transportation, climate change and environment, landlord and tenant affairs. Feel free to contact them or the city clerk to learn more.  They would love to hear from us as they often hear from older residents but would love to hear from families as well.
    • They have short term taskforces as well – parking, council compensation, etc. The newsletter we get in the mail has all the committees listed on the inside front.
  • Questions:
    • Duplicative taxes – how do they affect families? We are municipality so we service our own roads, police department, rec- we don’t get reimbursed as much as we should.  Its been frozen at 2012 rates.  Mark Elrich needs a friendly push to get it in his budget.  He didn’t do it last year and we really need him to this year!  Asking residents to write them and ask for them to at least take care of some of it- it would be relatively easy for them to reimburse at 2020 rates and reimburse the roads this year.
    • PBES is an issue they are familiar with and we want to see how they can be involved. The Mayor and councilmembers are discussing how to formalize communications between PTA and City Council so we can strategize on issues such as this.
      • Thursday there are public hearings in MCPS on the fact they took out the funding for expanding PBES and now say they will build a new building a very long time from now.
    • Mayor also encouraged us to look at the new strategic plan on Housing – Takoma Park has reaffirmed housing as a human right. They would love feedback and involvement as they implement the plan.


VP Fundraising

  • TPES – Dolphin drive kicked off – first couple days and they already have $2,000 – goals is $13,000 to support equity, health and wellness, etc. Please consider giving and giving generously.  Web is the best but will also take checks.  Also go to Chipotle (check emails for date!) for an easy and delicious fundraiser.
  • PBES – Our update is a THANK YOU! We wrapped up our Panther Appeal – we met our fundraising goal but its not too late if you want to donate!  We have another fundraiser this month – having our readathon as a fundraiser and also the book fair.  We are offering a variety of ways to give and get involved, it may seem like are asking a lot but its so you can choose which one appeals most to you.  Its very appreciated.


  • Thank you to Gabe Seiden!!! All the websites are from him – we can’t thank him enough.  He is a small business owner so if you need services such as web development feel free to reach out.
  • TPES Communication chair – Yahoo groups is ending. Both PBES and TPES will need to migrate the lists at .io.  You can opt out but you will likely be automatically moved over.  TPESPTA is the group name for TPES.  Right now they are posting for both listservs, but that will likely phase out.  TPES also has a facebook page so be sure to join that.


Rachel, a parent with PBES announced the effort to start a garden for both schools, please sign up!  There is also a facebook page.  The garden will be for kids, for them to do in school but after school and with families as well.  No gardening experience required!  More info will come on the listserv.


Now is time to tame the power struggles with PEP!

TPES/PBES PTA Meeting Minutes: OCTOBER 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES) &

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 6:45-8:00pm

Location: All Purpose Room @ TPES


7:00 Welcome – WHAT does the PTA do & WHO are we?

  • Welcome to the first joint meeting of the TPES and PBES PTAs and thanks to both Principals and PTAs for making this happen.  We are working to align school events and schedules to help make things simpler for families with children in both schools
  • PTA is a partnership between parents and teachers, looking to support our children. Looking through the lens of equity to give all kids the opportunity for enrichment.
  • TPES Health and Wellness committee has funds from Safe Routes to School 5K and participates in the planning committee for that race.  The committee met for the first time last week and is excited to start a meditation and yoga club before school (once a month or once a week depending on interest), and to provide flexible seating options for teachers (e.g., yoga balls, wiggle seats).  There is interest in reviving the weekly farm stand and exploring a sensory garden at the school. They are hoping to host a morning coffee opportunity to discuss with teachers. Anyone interested is invited to come to the next meeting, which will be Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30pm at the Girl and the Vine. 
  • The PBES PTA Health and Wellness committee is building on legacy of what’s been done at TPES and PBES around movement and physical activity and trying to do some new things this year.  The new things are looking at community building in the context of wellness (e.g., gallery walk at back to school night), fostering social-emotional learning in the context of our children, coordinating with counselors to have families play more of a role in lunch and recess and to create a peer mediation and counseling program, and working to reclaim the PTA closet to turn it into a place where families are welcome to be at school (e.g., having a coffee pot there).  If you are looking to be in school and be helpful, would love to have you involved. Safe Routes to School is focused on kids getting to school safely. They have their own mission and projects. The 5K is a big event but so is Walk to School day tomorrow and Bike to School day in May. The more participation there is and the more funds raised in the 5K, the more money goes to the schools. The schools got $6000 this year from the 5K.


7:05 Upcoming Events and Announcements

            October 1-October 31: Socktober- donate socks through your child’s classroom

Wed, Oct 2: Walk To School Day

Fri, Oct 4: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm

Wed, Oct 9: No School

Mon, Oct 14: TPES and PBES Open House, 9:30 – 11:00, 2:30 – 3:50

 (Opportunity for parents to come into classrooms and observe)

Wed, Oct 16: ESOL Night @ PBES

Sat, Oct 19: PBES Takoma Prom @ Kaldi’s Social House 6-9pm

Thurs, Oct 24: PBES Fall School Photos

Nov 1-26: PBES Read-a-thon & Book Fair (Nov. 4-8)

Tues, Nov 5: PTA Meeting  – Power Tools for Power Struggles by PEP 6:45p-8p 

Thurs, Nov 7: TPES Fall Book Fair (3:50pm to 8pm) + Kindergarten Literacy Night, 7pm

Mon, Nov 11 & Tuesday Nov 12: Early Release & Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wed,  Nov 27: Early Release for all students; dismissal @ 1:20pm 

Thurs & Fri, Nov 28 & 29: No School

Tues,  Dec 3: PTA Meeting – 6:45p-8p


PTA meetings will be at TPES Nov – Jan and then meetings will go to PBES


7:10 Membership Update

Samer Sadek, VP Membership TPES

Jared Hughes, VP Membership PBES

  • Please become a member to allow us to continue to do all the great work we have been doing.  The more members we have, the more influential we can be with the county, state and national PTA, where many decisions are made.
  • The easiest way to join is on the website (links at the bottom of these notes).  There are many different levels of membership so you can decide what is best for you.  If you have joined, please encourage your neighbors to join. The PBES website has a password protected side now, to give members access to the directory so it is a little more complicated to join; it is a 3 step process.  If you are confused about the process, please reach out to Jared. Membership at PBES is not just open to parents or guardians; businesses can join that want to support the PTA and will get their logo on the website. Grandparents can join too.  
  • Please come to Chipotle on Monday in downtown Silver Spring from 5:00-9:00pm.  33% of all sales will go to PBES PTA.


7:15 Treasurer’s Report (& PBES Budget Vote) 

             Kelley Skelton, Treasurer TPES

Amy Gibson-Grant, PBES

  • PBES PTA had $14,000 to roll over into this year which enabled a strong start to the year.  We have big goals this year to support new programming with a proposed budget of $54,223, but realistic goals.  We are trying to plan conservatively for all expenses. Baseline budget for the year was presented. As the year goes on, if we raise additional money, we can come back to the membership with updates.  The budget was approved.
  • TPES PTA approved budget last meeting but have some updated actuals from Dolphin gear sales (which have new things, including adult options, to be available for parent-teacher conferences). Only $1600 in membership dues so far this year, but do have 26 donated memberships so if you know someone who needs one, please be in touch with Kelley.  The big increase in staff support was due to the Orton-Gilingham training. Please check out the new mural.


7:20 Dolphin Drive
Sasha Johnson, Fundraising Chair TPES

Panther Appeal
Angela Riemer, VP of Fundraising PBES

  • PBES: Today kicks off the Panther Appeal, starting with a letter that went home in folders today.  Thanks to all of the parents who have volunteered so far. The Takoma Prom is on October 19th at Kaldi’s Social House (918 Silver Spring Ave) from 6:00-9:00pm.  The space is donated so we get to keep all the money that we make. There are silent auction items and a DJ, and it js a great opportunity to socialize and get to know each other earlier in the school year.  It’s open to all adults in the community, you can dress up or dress down. Tickets are $15 for 1, $25 for 2. You are welcome to give more than those amounts. How well we do in the Panther Appeal determines how much we can do the rest of the year.
  • TPES: As the Panther Appeal winds down, the Dolphin Drive will start (month of November).  There will be a couple of dine-outs during the month. With the funds raised, the PTA subsidizes after-school clubs and offers scholarships, provides homework support and support to help teachers get classrooms set up, teacher trainings on reading instruction, purchases backpacks, gift cards and clothing for kids who need it (through Mr. Althofer), supports the 2nd grade graduation and more things that enrich the experiences of our students.  We also coordinate child care and provide pizza for these meetings.


7:25 Reading Update: How is the teacher training changing instruction?

Dr. Gadsden and Ms. East

  • This summer the PTA paid for a trainer who trained many of our teachers (all kindergarten teachers but one and many of the other teachers) on a structured literacy program based on Orton-Gillingham principles.  A video was shared of how the training is used in the classroom. The training came together very quickly, thanks to the PTA.
  • The training is standards with a twist.  We can’t abandon what the county says we have to do, so we have to integrate it together with the new concepts.  It was seamless to infuse the concepts into kindergarten but was harder for first and second grades. At the beginning of the year, we used their assessments to gather data on the kindergarteners’ abilities and it was very effective (we always gather data but this year used their tool).
  • The way we are teaching reading as a result is incredible.  The basis is to get kids to hear the sounds first before they read them (i.e., understand which words rhyme and how to blend beginning and ending sounds together to make a word).  It helps kids first get the basics, before there are even letters. This will be done class-wide for kindergarten and used more sparingly with small groups in 1st and 2nd grade, based on what students need.
  • We made good use of the resources you’ve given us, and thank you.  We are looking for opportunities to get the training for the last kindergarten teacher too.
  • Thanks given to the teachers who cut their vacation short to do the training.  


We have some folks concerned about the SchoolStore fundraiser for the school.  It is a passive fundraiser that has been going on for about 10 years. Dr Gadsden needs to know if this is a huge problem or a small problem.  We can not do it if it’s a huge problem, but then teachers don’t get the supplies for their classroom. There are other passive fundraisers but they don’t yield as much as this one.  She will look for input from us about next month.


Ms. Olsen (2nd grade teacher) had her baby a week early).  Unfortunately her class has had 3 subs in 2.5 weeks. The long term sub that was hired  is leaving next week because she got a full-time job. To avoid having the kids have yet another substitute in the short time frame, until Ms. Olsen returns on December 10, her class will be split among the other teachers in 2nd grade.  If you have a concern or question, please feel free to email Dr. Gadsden.


7:40 Social-emotional curriculum updates at PBES

Mrs. Oberdorf

  • She is exploring what to do with Orton-Gillingham and is hoping to implement such training.
  • PBES also does passive fundraising.  It is under the radar, has been going on for a long time.  Some students participate a lot, some do not. Teachers get things for their classroom and last year they got $500 discretionary principal’s fund.
  • We are missing a 0.1 PE teacher and so there is a sub co-teaching with the PE teacher until one is hired (hiring not done by PBES).
  • We invested a lot of money to put Second Step materials in every teacher’s hands for social emotional learning. The county has adopted the Be Well 365 initiative this year, which has a “Be healthy, be kind, be you” motto.  Is helping them think about how all programs fit into place at PBES and how to go forward. The program has 6 essential elements; we fit our activities into these and assessed strengths and weaknesses. We did a Panther Pride rally on the 2nd day of school and plan to do this quarterly.  It is like a town hall meeting for the school where we talked about core values for the school, reviewed expectations for students and, in future quarters, will talk about goal setting. The leadership team and staff thought it was a great event. It is rare that students can all get together in one place because of space restrictions.  
  • We are continuing our emphasis on Restorative Practice and Restorative Circles, and added in the Second Step program (done as weekly lessons in the classroom by classroom teacher with support from paraeducators and reinforced by specialists and counselors for continuity during the day and year).  We celebrated “Start with Hello” as a schoolwide initiative and talked about random acts of kindness. Every Second Step program for each grade has 25 lessons and there is some common language across grades so are some parallels going through the building. Lessons usually run 30-45 minutes per week.  Are seeing great payoff from these materials.
  • We have 1.5 counselors since we have over 650 students, and we have monthly counseling themes.
  • Thank you for your partnership and we’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions.

8:00 Coat and Costume Swap & Adjourn


Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

September 10, 2019. 6:45pm-8:00pm


7:00 Welcome and Introducing Small Things Matter – Meghan McDonald, President 

  • Introducing Small Things Matter – Lana Anderson

They are providing child care very other month at PTA meetings.  They are middle and high school students who work with elementary kids.  They have 2 programs – literacy and crafting. 

Tonight they will read a story, play games and then paint rocks they can take home.



  • Upcoming Dates and Announcements:

Mon, Sept 30: No School 

Tues, Oct 1: PTA Meeting + Coat Drive and Halloween Costume Swap, 7-8pm

Wed, Oct 2: Walk To School Day

Fri, Oct 4: Early Release for all students; TPES dismissal @ 1:20pm

Wed, Oct 9: No School

Tues, Nov 5: PTA Meeting  – Power Tools for Power Struggles by PEP

Thurs, Nov 7: Literacy Night


7:10 Present and vote on the 2019-20 budget Kelley Skelton, Treasurer

  • Ended last year with $27,000, which helped the PTA commit to supporting Orton Gillingham teacher training over the summer and fundraise afterwards.  Fundraising was successful in reaching the $10,000 goal to cover the training.
  • Executive Committee decided to keep about 3 months of operating expenses in the bank as a reserve, which will allow us to make these kind of commitments in the future.
  • Budgeting for this year was done conservatively (higher end estimates for expenditures and lower end for fundraisers).  Expenses and fundraisers for the year were summarized.
  • Please go on the PTA website and become a member, which will let you vote at PTA meetings and will support the PTA budget.  If you need help affording a membership, booster memberships are available. It is on the PTA website on the membership page as the last option.
  • New this year is $4000 for PTA grants for administrators or teachers with great ideas throughout the year.
  • Thanks to Tracee Matthias for writing successful grants to receive $5000 from the National Education Association Grant and Dollar General Literacy Foundation grant for $2000 (awarded a few days ago) to support a Saturday literacy program.
  • We approved a summer of budget of $1700 and only spent $1100 though some expenses may be still trickling in. 

7:20 Before and After School Enrichment  – Shana Sabbath on behalf of Virginia Davis, After School Enrichment committee chair

  • TPES and PBES traditionally organize after school enrichment activities to balance interest of parents and based on what is expected to get sufficient enrollment.  Enrollment is open now, closes Monday, September 16.
  • Scholarship requests needed by this Friday, September 13.  You can reply to emails or reach out to Shana or Virginia if you are interested in a scholarship.
  • Virginia Davis and her counterpart from PBES have collaborated very closely to align their programming to better support families with children at both schools.
  • PTA subsidizes the program, so is more affordable than similar programs elsewhere in the community. 

7:30 Keeping up with PTA news and opportunities  – Lauren Greenberg, VP Communications

  • Lauren is the contact for the PTA website.  Website is maintained by Gabe Seiden, a former TPES parent (now at PBES), who runs a website design and communications firm in Takoma Park ( and has volunteered his services for the PTA. 
  • Ways the PTA will be trying to communicate with families this year: 
  • Please let Lauren know if there is information you’d like on the PTA website, or if you are interested in helping with communications (e.g., writing posts, putting up flyers)

7:40 Lunchroom expectations – Dr. Gadsden

  • When there are 200 children in the room, there have to be rules to avoid unsafe situations.
  • There is an enormous amount of food on the floor during lunch, so we try to keep kids from getting up to keep it safe.  Kids need to raise hand and get a pass to go to the restroom. If all passes are gone, they have to wait for kids to return before they can go.
  • Kids may have a perception that they are being made to be quiet for the entire lunch period, but it isn’t the entire lunch period.  Would be last few minutes of lunch when they are trying to get out the door for recess. They are asked not to yell during lunch.
  • At beginning of the year, they set the tone so that the rest of the year goes well.  They want kids to be safe and happy.
  • Kids usually have “free sit Friday” so they can sit anywhere they want if rest of the week has gone well.
  • If kids are overstimulated by the lunchroom environment, it is an option to sit in the atrium.
  • Children are encouraged to eat healthy foods first.  If that’s a problem for you and your child, let them know and they won’t direct that at your child.
  • There are 3-4 people in the room with the children.  
  • For challenges at lunch, there isn’t one answer that will work for everyone.  They will decide what’s best for the school, but are then happy to adjust for specific families with different needs.
  • Q: How did the first week go?  A: The first week went extremely well.  
  • Q: I understand volunteers are wanted for lunch?  A: We would love volunteers. Only request is that you help and not just sit next to your kid and eat with them.  You can help open thermoses and ketchup packets. If you just come one time, you don’t need volunteer training, but if you want to come more than once, please do the training.  You can come during any lunch and don’t need to prearrange it. We will be glad to have you.
    • Kindergarten parents, please wait until October to volunteer so that the kids get into their routine first.
  • We don’t ever keep anybody back from recess.  But do send classes that have cleaned up and are sitting quietly first, to encourage good behavior.
  • 55:1 is staffing ratio for lunch and recess.  We are happy to have volunteers and that reduces ratios.  No sign up needed for recess volunteering either.


7:50 Get Involved!  Open volunteer opportunities, big and small:

  • Health & Wellness committee: participates in organizing the 5K race and decides how to spend proceeds (which has supported flexible seating in classrooms like yoga balls and wiggle seats, farm stand at TPES).  Things happen based on what committee members are excited about. Meetings will be at the Girl and the Vine. Committee also purchasing a sensory pathway for the school. New ideas for the committee are very welcome.
  • Lunch & Recess volunteers: can just show up to volunteer
  • Cultural Arts Assembly coordinators: puts on monthly assemblies for the school.  If you enjoy putting together events or being engaged with activities for your child, this could be a good committee for you.
  • Social Services committee: work with Mr Althofer to make sure kids have warm coats and backpacks.  Purchased gift cards to support families in need. Is a behind-the-scenes committee that does really important work in our community.
  • Teacher Appreciation committee: thanks staff and teachers for all they do.  Provide dinner on parent-teacher conference nights, a week of teacher appreciation activities in May as well as a token at the holidays.  If you’re interested in coming up with new ideas to show our appreciation to our hard-working staff, please join. 
  • Equity committee: started out to support an after-school homework club for kids who needed an extra boost for their academic work.  Big focus last year was to make this effort sustainable and brought Lunch-n-Learn to have a home base at TPES and PBES. This year a big focus is to align efforts with PBES and create a joint committee that provides seamless support to the community.  First part of the year will be brainstorming next efforts for the year.
  • Readathon committee: this is the largest PTA’s fundraiser and it’s amazing how much excitement for reading is created with the kids through the Readathon.  Are many different ways to volunteer, especially in February and March.
  • Room parent coordinator: would coordinate room parent efforts schoolwide.  Please see Meg McDonald if interested
  • After-school enrichment committee: supports the after-school programming.


Committee chairs are listed here.


And please join the PTA.

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: June 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, June 4, 2019. 6:45pm-8:05pm

7pm: Welcome/Events and Announcements, Lia Salza Goldstein (President)

Lia previewed the following upcoming events for everyone’s calendars.

  • Wednesday, June 12, 10am: 2nd Grade Promotion and Picnic – Takoma Middle School
  • Friday, June 14: Last Day of School/Early Dismissal (1:20pm)
  • Thursday, August 29, 5pm-7pm: Back to School Celebration (class lists are posted by the front door, come play on the playground)
  • Thursday, August 29, 7pm-8pm: Kindergarten Back to School Night (adults only), TPES All Purpose Room
  • Friday, August 30, 3pm-4pm: Open House (children invited to come meet their teachers/see their classrooms; parents welcome)
  • Tuesday, September 3: First Day of School
  • Thursday, September 5, 7pm-8pm: Back to School Night for 1st and 2nd Grade
  • **To Be Scheduled** Playdates for incoming kindergarteners – will be announced on the listserve.


7:10pm: Treasurer’s Report/Summer Budget, Erin Kelley (Treasurer)

Erin walked through the end-of-year budget report. Overall, a very good year; we exceeded fundraising goals and have about $20k to roll-over into the new year.

Summer budget presented: proposal included increasing the teacher classroom set-up budget to $125 per teacher, working in the NEA foundation grant for kindergarten and 2nd grade classroom robotics, a few building and facilities maintenance items, and funds for the atrium mural.

  • Motion to approve the summer budget was seconded and passed unanimously


7:20pm: Supply Kits, Sasha Johnson (Coordinator)

The school has contracted with a third party to get school supplies, which can be ordered online and will be available in classrooms at the beginning of the new year.

Here is how you order:

  1. Go
  2. Enter the school ID, TAK008 (3 letters/3 numbers) (for Piney Branch families, the code is PIN226)
    3. Follow the directions to complete your order.
    4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.


When ordering you can also add a “classroom donation” kit which includes hand sanitizer, kleenex and other staples for teachers. If you would like to order a donation kit of school supplies please indicate “star student” as the child’s name and we will give those to the lead teachers by grade for distribution.


7:25pm: Mural, Lia Salza Goldstein

As part of Dr. Gadsden’s birthday celebration, about $2,000 has been raised toward a mural in the TPES Atrium, on the slanted hallway up to the Media Center. Rose Jaffe will be creating the piece, with input from parents and Dr. Gadsden. Contact Lia and Meg if you are interested in donating or participating in the process.

7:30pm: Committee Recruitment

Are you looking for a way to get more involved in the TPES PTA? Are there particular activities, initiatives, or concerns that you want to help with? Be part of a committee! Committees include:


  • Advocacy
  • Equity
  • Fundraising and Development
  • Health and Wellness
  • Basketball Game
  • Gardening and Landscape
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Cultural Arts
  • Playground and Field
  • Social Services
  • Read-a-Thon



Contact Meg or the Committee Chair if you’re interested, and look for more volunteer opportunities in the fall.

7:35pm: 2019-2020 Elections

The proposed slate of candidates for TPES PTA Executive Committee is:

President: Meg McDonald
Executive VP: Caleb Gibson/Malawi Welles
Treasurer: Kelley Skelton
VP Communications: Lauren Greenberg
VP Membership: Samer Sadek
VP Fundraising: Sasha Johnson
VP Equity: Shana Sabbath/Viky Sosa
Membership Secretary: Becca Jones Albertus
Executive Secretary: Allison Belemvire
MCCPTA Delegate: Hilary Stevens

Each candidate was asked to introduce themselves.

In response to a question, Shana discussed efforts of the Equity Committee, including: supporting teacher efforts, working to align efforts with PBES to provide continuity of services for children and families served, scholarships for afterschool clubs, development and support of the Young Scholars program, coordination with the Lunch and Learn program, which will provide continued meal and academic support to local families over the summer (this year at TPES for the first time), and summer efforts to build on MCPS/PTA diversity and inclusion initiatives.

No additional individuals expressed interest in running.

A motion was made to approve the slate, motion seconded, and slate approved by unanimous vote.

7:50pm: Principal Notes, Dr. Gadsden

Dr. Gadsden is exploring new methods of relaying information home. She would appreciate input about:

  • The Dolphin Newsletter (is it effective, can it be shortened, what information is critical to include)
    • Generally, people present agreed that there are families in our community best served by printed materials, and the Dolphin Newsletter should be continued.
  • Robocalls – similar to Piney Branch, where a robocall is followed by an email transcript
    • Would this be beneficial on a weekly basis? Only as needed?

7:55pm: STEM at PBES, Tracey Matthias

The STEM program is at risk of being cut by MCPS. Tracey and others testified before the MCPS BOE, and a number of families have submitted written comments in opposition to the cut. The proposed budget would cut ½ FTE special programs, and 0.5FTE focus programs. Resources would not be reallocated to PBES, but would go to additional “focus programs” being implemented at other schools. Parents received no notice about the cuts, which represent a very small portion of the budget, but would have a significant impact on PBES. Encourage kids to write to the BOE.

8:00pm: PTA Collaboration, Jared Hughes

There is going to be a summer effort to connect the TPES, PBES, and Takoma Middle PTAs, including an effort to create a centralized directory. Conversations are ongoing about how to improve coordination between TPES and PBES PTAs, and whether a single organization might benefit both schools. Contact Meg if you’re interested in helping or have an opinion.


8:05pm                          [ADJOURN]

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: April 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, April 2, 2019. 6.45pm-8.30pm


7pm: Welcome/Upcoming Events & Announcements, Lia Salza Goldstein (President)

Lia previewed the following upcoming events for everyone’s calendars.

Wednesday April 3: Early Release Day

Wednesday 17 April – Monday 22 April: Spring Break – No school

Tuesday April 23: Spring Student and Class Pictures

Thursday April 25: Take Your Child to Work Day (submit form by 4/23 to be excused)

Thursday May 2 – Friday May 3: Kindergarten Orientation (No school for current K)

Sunday May 5: TkPk5k family friendly road race

Tuesday May 7: TPES PTA Meeting

Wednesday May 8: Bike to School Day

Thursday May 16: TPES/PBES Basketball Game

Monday May 27: Memorial Day – No school

Tuesday May 28 – Wednesday May 29: 2nd grade Poetry Slam at TPMS

Wednesday May 29: K-1st Grade Field Day

Thursday May 30: 2nd Grade Field Day

Tuesday June 4: TPES PTA Meeting – Elections

Wednesday June 12: 2nd Grade Promotion

Friday June 14: Last day of school, early release day.


7.05pm: TPES PTA Treasurer’s Report, Erin Kelley (Treasurer)

  • $10,000 check from STEM grant arrived today (the robots grant!) so balance will increase significantly next month with this and the Readathon funds coming in.
  • Book fair surpassed its goal but it is paid in books so not a cash fundraiser for the PTA (hence reflected in Income and Expenses)
  • Dolphin Drive funds increased again and we have significantly exceeded our goal
  • We have not yet met our goal for membership dues– it’s not too late to join
  • Some expenses expected to come in this month from the Readathon and from the field trip support allocation ($6 allocated per child, requests are coming in from teachers and we expect to spend the entire allocation)
  • Equity inclusion item is for the Young Scholars program. PTA funds compensate teachers for their after-school participation which is critical to the program’s success
  • Staff appreciation week (first week May) will generate some expenses.



7.10pm: Readathon Report, Sara Lewis (Readathon Co-Chair)

  • The Readathon is over and the children significantly surpassed the goal set (200,000 minutes) – almost 370,000 minutes were read!
  • 69% of students across the school participated and 9 classes had over 75% participation from their students (teachers of those classes get Scholastic vouchers)
  • Lots of fun activities throughout the Readathon, we gave away lots of certificates and prizes, held celebration events and recognized readers on the hallway reading tree
  • Two final events this week. On Wednesday Dr Gadsen will draw one lucky name to win a playdate with her and on Friday there will be an all-school popcorn party
  • Sponsored donations are being collected through April 12. Donations / sponsorships can be paid online (, via check or cash.


7.15pm: Spring Fitness Fun, Sasha Johnson (Health & Wellness Committee)

TkPk5K ( is on Sunday May 5 and includes a 5k, 1 mile fun run and ¼ mile youth fun run. TPES has the most registrations from participating schools so far.

TPES receives funds from the event ($5000 for our health & wellness budget). Eligibility for the funds requires us to hold pre-events to get movement into our children’s days so we are starting a Run Club! The Run Club will be held on Thursdays at 8.30am at TPES. Participants are welcome to join to one, some or all sessions. Please fill in the permission slip that came home in Dolphin folders if your child wants to participate.


7.20pm: Children’s Business Fair, Tracy Stuger Scott & Holly Chang (Coordinators)

The inaugural Takoma Park Children’s Business Fair will be held on May 19. It is a one-day event, inspired by the DC Children’s Business Fair, that gives children aged 6-14 the opportunity to showcase their own businesses. There is space for 24 businesses to participate, each business can be represented by up to 3 children. Prizes will be awarded in 4 categories: 6-7, 8-10, 11-12 and 13-14.

The entire fair is sponsored by local business and invited local entrepreneurs will act as judges. The event is not related to the PTA but it’s a great opportunity for Takoma Park kids. Please work with your children to submit applications by 12 April.


7.25pm: Dr Gadsen’s Birthday Gift, Lia Goldstein & Meg McDonald

Last week the school celebrated Dr Gadsen’s 50th Birthday. Lia and Meg presented Dr Gadsen with two birthday gifts from the school community: a gift towards her family trip this summer and the commissioning of a mural celebrating strong female leaders (planned for the ramp up from the atrium to the media center).  As of this week the community has raised $1200 towards the mural, thanks to everyone who has contributed.


7.30pm: Parent Encouragement Program workshop, (Paige Trevor, PEP Presenter)
Understanding Friendship and Bullying

This PEP session aimed to help any parent looking to navigate the complex world of elementary friendships and social challenges. As friendships become more important, understanding this topic can make a huge difference in the well-being of our kids. This PTA provided workshop offered a unique opportunity to gain some practical parenting tips.


8.30pm: Adjourn.

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: March 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, March 5, 2019. 7-8pm


7pm: Welcome: Upcoming Events and Announcements, Lia Salza Goldstein)


Lia previewed the following upcoming events for everyone’s calendars.

March 22: Kids Adventures Summer Camp Kick Off @PBES 6.30-8.30pm
Parents vs Kids soccer game, crafts, face painting, food.

March 28: STEM night, 6.30-8pm. A great family night out, please attend.

April 2: PTA meeting featuring another great PEP workshop – Understanding Friendship and Bullying that has been designed for the TPES age group

April 17-22: Spring break, no school (enjoy!)

May 2-3: Kindergarten orientation – no school for current Kindergarteners.
(Note: Kids Adventures will only be open for current KA attendees on these days).

May 5: TkPk5k – family friendly road race that benefits your health and our school. More details below and .

June 5: Due to snow days this will no longer a professional development day but will now be a regular school day.

June 12: 2nd grade promotion ceremony (more details to follow)

June 14: Due to snow days this is now the last day of the current school year.


Treasurer’s Report, Erin Kelley

Fairly quiet month for the accounts, Erin noted:

  • Cash flow looks to be down $10,000. We are waiting for reimbursement for the STEM grant (which funded robotics materials and recent assemblies). Reimbursement from the State can take up to 6 weeks, paperwork has been submitted.
  • Membership dues are a little lower than expected due to lower than expected membership rates this year.
  • The book fair was extremely successful and raised over $12,000 of materials that will be going back to our classrooms and Media Center. On the accounts, book fair figures are represented as an expense and an income because the school is reimbursed in books rather than money. Thanks to Shivani Sutton and Kate Ivcevich for leading the fair, to all the volunteers and to everyone who participated – a great event and fundraiser for the school.



Readathon Update, Sara Lewis

The readathon is now underway and will run through March 28.

Please remind your child to record their minutes and to keep the calendar in the folder – crucial it is there on Friday mornings.

Each Friday will be a dress-up day to make it fun along with prizes and certificates for participating kids. More details and reminders will be in dolphin folders.

Some questions already raised:

  • If my child doesn’t have a sponsor should they still participate?
    Yes! It’s not just about fundraising, it’s most importantly about encouraging kids to read – focus is on the minutes and not the money. Kids are earning leaves, certificates etc for minutes and not for money!
  • Do you need more volunteers?
    Yes, especially for Fridays. Mornings (10am-11.30am) and Afternoon (2.30pm – 3.45pm). If you have flexibility and would be willing to volunteer then please get in touch (
  • When do you need sponsorship pledges to come in?
    The deadline for submitting pledges is 12 April.


After School Clubs (Lia, for Virginia Davis)

The next session opened at 7pm on March 5. You can now sign up online for the next session of enrichment clubs after school.

Following a successful campaign to get the word out about our scholarship program, we now have a big need for more. If you are signing up your child please consider adding a donation for a scholarship too.


Run Club (Sasha Johnson and Sarah VanWye, TPES reps for TKPK5K)

The Takoma Park 5k  will be held on May 5. Registration is now open! Scholarships are available for the race, if you know anyone who would benefit please reach out to Sasha or Sarah.

A 4 week training programme for TPES kids will begin next month on Thursday mornings at 8.30am (from April 4). The run club is free for kids and the PTA’s wellnesss committee will be providing free healthy snacks. The club’s goal is to help TPES students prepare for the race, work on movement goals and have some fun! The run club could use a few more volunteers, even if just for 1 or 2 sessions.

March 19 – please eat at Mark’s Kitchen that day, a portion of proceeds will go to TkPk5K funds that night and those funds come back to Takoma Park schools.




Safe Routes to School and the TKPK5K
(Lucy Neher, Special Projects Coordinator, City of Takoma Park)

Lucy briefed the meeting on Safe Routes to School, TKPK5k and special projects.


We are committed to making Takoma Park a walkable and bike-able city. Recent / upcoming initiatives include:

  • A pop-up bike lane on Maple Ave later this year
  • The old wooden stairs behind TPES down to the community center have been removed and will be replaced by trees/shrubs
  • Additional bike racks and sidewalk building
  • Redoing school zone signage for consistent and fresh look.

In May we will be applying for a grant to put a sidewalk on Chestnut and Hodges and a raised crosswalk at Hodges / Holly. There is strong neighbourhood support.


Safe Routes to School has a range of regular programming:

  • Walk to school day (will be October 9 this year). 5 Takoma Park schools participate, builds enthusiasm and safety knowledge about walking to school.
  • Pedestrian safety exercise with Kindergarten classes
  • Bike rodeo at PBES with 4th Bikes and an obstacle course, focus is on learning to ride safely (not how to ride!)
  • TKPK5K (5 May). Started in 2009 with 350 people, grown to 1500 runners. Nearly every year it has given $5000 to the PTAs of each of the 5 schools – city keeps none of the money – schools spend funds on wellbeing activities run by the PTA wellbeing committees. Lots of local business support, so please say thank you to those businesses!
  • Bike to school day (May 8)
  • Camp (I Can Shine) – teaches bike riding to 30 students (aged 8-13) with disabilities. The camp runs over a week with a host of volunteers.

More details .

Additional Business: Health and Wellness Committee, TPES PTA

The two people Chairs of this successful, well-funded committee are stepping down. The committee has had a significant positive effect on TPES. If you are interested for next year please get in touch with Lia.

Additional Business: Grants, Tracey Mathias

Tracey, one of primary authors of the STEM grant, briefed the meeting about the grant purchases (robots for 1st and 2nd graders; 2 special assemblies for Kindergarteners facilitated by the Blair robotics team). There will be an exhibition at STEM night.

The meeting agreed TPES/PTA will maintain the robotics purchases/replace broken pieces. TPES will also maintain our relationship with the Blair robotics team next year. Dr Gadsen suggested Tracey work with PBES on the grant this year instead. This will bring the same benefits to PBES students and enable TPES students to continue their robotics journey when they move to PBES. Thank you to Tracey for her hard work in obtaining the grant!

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: February 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, February 5, 2019. 6.45-8pm


7pm: Welcome: Upcoming Events and Announcements, Lia Salza Goldstein)

Lia previewed the following upcoming events for everyone’s calendars.

Friday Feb 1 – Friday Feb 8: Scholastic Book Fair

Monday Feb 18: Presidents Day – no school

Tuesday March 5: PTA Meeting, Healthy Kids

Tuesday April 2: PTA Meeting, PEP: Understanding Friendship and Bullying


7.05pm: TPES PTA Treasurer’s Report, Erin Kelley (Treasurer)

No significant highlights for this month but Erin noted:

  • Dolphin Drive income was higher than forecast – thanks to all who donated
  • We’ve had 236 members join the PTA this year which is lower than expected – there is still time to join!
  • After-school club scholarships were all covered for the Winter period but it looks likely we will need more for the Spring session.
  • We are still waiting for reimbursement of the $10,000 grant for STEM – Erin is chasing this and expects it shortly. Thanks again to Tracey Mathias for her work!


TPES/PBES Basketball Game, Mark Ivcevich (Basketball Game, Chair)

This year’s game will be on Thursday May 16 from 6 – 8pm and will be held at Takoma Academy (8120 Carroll Ave).

There are lots of opportunities to volunteer, get involved and sign-up to play. Please keep an eye out on the PTA listserv and look out for information coming home in dolphin folders.

Readathon Update, Sara Lewis (Readathon Co-Chair)

This will be our 6th year of the readathon. Not only does it get our kids inspired and excited to read, it is our biggest fundraiser of the year with $17,000 raised last year. We hope to raise a similar amount this year but we encourage all children to participate even if they aren’t collecting sponsorships.

The readathon runs March 4–29 with special events including a kick-off assembly.

We are still looking for volunteers in 3 main areas:

  • Work that can be done at home – includes creating achievement certificates, creating leaves / trees with kids names on them and inooutting minutes read into a database
  • Friday mornings at school – tallying up minutes from the children’s readathon sheets
  • Friday afternoons at school – handing out prizes to all our readers.

Clubs and Enrichment, Shana Sabbath (Equity Committee Chair)

Following a successful campaign to get the word out about our scholarship program, we now have a big need for more. The PTA provides a number of scholarships and the vendor provides one scholarship per filled club too, but we usually have more need than that. In the past the PTA has been able to meet all requests but having expanded our outreach this year, demand is up so we need to find more funding.

Additional donations would be very welcome. You will also be able to add a scholarship donation when you sign your child up for a club, please consider doing so if you are able.


A to Z Connect School Directory, Tim Gronniger (Parent Volunteer)

In response to many parents requests for a school directory Tim has been working on creating a TPES Directory in the A to Z Connect app. The app contains 520 TPES student records. If you asked not to be included in the school directory then your information will not be there. You can download the app from the iOSapp store or Google Play (search for ‘AtoZ Connect’, when you first log in you will be asked to validate your information. Once you’ve done that you will be able to look up contact information for children in your child’s class(es). Tim would welcome any feedback. Lia passed on the PTA’s thanks to Tim for picking up such a big and important piece of work.


Volunteer Update: Exec Team 2019-2020, Sarah Corcoran (Volunteer Coordinator)

Lucy briefed the meeting on Safe Routes to School, TKPK5k and special projects.

We are committed to making Takoma Park a walkable and bike-able city. Recent / upcoming initiatives include:

  • A pop-up bike lane on Maple Ave later this year
  • The old wooden stairs behind TPES down to the community center have been removed and will be replaced by trees/shrubs


7.30pm: Literacy Presentation, Ms Ard-Gales (TPES Assistant Principal)

Ms Ard-Gales delivered a comprehensive presentation covering literacy and an overview of the reading program at TPES, before answering questions from PTA meeting attendees. A copy of the presentation is attached.

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: January 2019

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA

Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2019, 7-8 pm, APR

Attendance: 36


Welcome and Upcoming Events: Lia Salza, President

  • Saturday, January 12: MCPS/MCCPTA Mental Health and Wellness Forum, 1-5pm, Wood Middle School, Rockville. There will be programs on bullying, mental health first aid, etc.
  • Monday, January 21: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – no school
  • Friday, January 25: early release
  • Monday, January 28: Professional Day – no school
  • February 1-8: Scholastic Book Fair
  • Tuesday, February 5: PTA Meeting – Literacy
  • Monday, February 18: President’s Day – no school
  • March – Read-a-Thon!



TPES Treasurer’s Report: Erin Kelley, Treasurer

  • Everything is on track with fundraisers and expenditures; we’re looking forward to the Read-a-Thon, which is the largest fundraiser of the year.
  • Announcement of grants:
    • Shana Sabbath wrote an application for the PTA and received a grant from the Takoma Foundation. The grant will support equity initiatives at TPES and the Young Scholars program.
    • Tracee Matthias wrote an application for a STEM grant that secured $10k for a variety of STEM programs at TPES, including a new fleet of Lego robots.
    • Both of these grants were identified and spearheaded by parents committed to these important areas of school support and improvement. Have ideas? Let’s talk!
  • Question regarding Politics&Prose fundraiser: we currently don’t have a parent volunteer to run this (and other similar) fundraisers – if you’re interested, please contact Sarah Corcoran (volunteer coordinator).


TPES Clubs/Enrichment Update: Virginia Davis, Clubs Coordinator, and Shana Sabbath, Equity Chair

  • Enrollment is now closed for the winter TPES club session. Ten scholarships were provided (an increase in the number being requested, which is great).
  • If you have ideas for clubs, please email them to


Book Fair Update: Kate Ivcevich and Shivani Sutton, Book Fair Chairs

  • The TPES Scholastic Book Fair will take place from February 1-8, both during the day and in the evenings (late hours on Tuesday and Thursday). Dave Burbank from the TP Library and authors will be leading activities in the evenings.
  • Kids will get to visit the fair early in the week and make wish lists; it’s also possible to send money (cash, credit cards, checks, e-wallet) with them, so they can purchase while at school
  • Teachers will have wish lists available for those interested to make donations.
  • This “fundraiser” doesn’t bring cash into the school, it provides the media center and classrooms with new books, and is a significant source of classroom materials for the school.
  • 90-minute sign-up opportunities will be available on the TPES PTA website soon; more information about the book fair, opportunities to assist, and ways of sending money with your kids will come home soon.



  • The Read-a-Thon is the PTA’s largest fundraiser of the year, and is a lot of fun.
  • Begins in early March (Dr. Seuss’ birthday) and lasts for the entire month.
  • It encourages kids to read or be read to by tracking and sponsoring minutes read. Have kids ask grandparents/aunts/uncles to sponsor them.
  • We need a chair (ideally 2 people) to coordinate the effort – which includes helping with a school assembly,  overseeing the weekly gathering of charts and data, making there is a binder of materials, and you will receive lots of support from the school and other parents. Are you interested? Even a little? Please contact Lia Salza (President) or Sarah Corcoran (volunteer coordinator).


Announcements from Dr. Gadsden

  • Snow is coming! Be sure to check all available resources to make sure you get accurate updates on school closures, delays, and early closures.
  • The playground is up and running, and the kids all approve! Thanks to all of the parent volunteers who helped to make that happen.


Summer Camp Fair

Participating programs: Nature Lab, Lowell School, Takoma Rec Center, Little Loft, Glen Echo Park, Barrie School, The Y Silver Spring, Girl Scouts, Roda Movement, Flag Star Football, Montgomery Parks: Totally Tennis, Takoma Sports, Takoma Park Child Development Center, The Evergreen School

TPES/PBES Meeting Minutes: November 2018

TPES/PBES PTA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 13 2018, 6..45-8.30pm


Attendees: 58


Welcome: Lia Goldstein, TPES PTA President
Lia welcomed parents from TPES and PBES to our first joint PTA meeting of the school year before providing details of upcoming school and PTA events including:

–        Tuesday December 4: TPES International Night
A family event held at TPES from 7-9pm featuring a dance performance and international pot luck. Families are strongly encouraged to attend this event..

–        Wednesday December 12: PBES December PTA Meeting


TPES Updates, Treasurer’s Report: Erin Kelley, TPES PTA Treasurer
No significant changes to the budget since the last PTA meeting. Erin highlighted:

–        Dolphin Drive, one of the PTA’s big fundraisers of the year, was getting close to its goal of $7500. Families were encouraged to donate prior to Thanksgiving if able and to reach out to extended family (e.g. grandparents) to ask for contributions.

–        PTA Membership is close to target but more members would be welcome. Attendees are encouraged to join (details on PTA website) if they are not already members.

–       The PTA’s cash balance remains robust thanks to amount of money coming into the school via donations and PTA events – thank you to everyone in the school community who is part of that.

TPES Updates, Dolphin Drive: Whitney Phend, TPES PTA Fundraising Lead
Whitney explained there are 2 major PTA fundraisers each year: the Dolphin Drive in the fall and the Readathon in Spring time. There had been at least one school fundraiser, not run by the PTA, earlier this year but no further school fundraisers were planned.
The Dolphin Drive was close to reaching target already. Attendees were reminded that donations can be made online – including on your phone – via the PTA website.

TPES Updates, Volunteer Needs: Lia Goldstein, TPES PTA President
There is always a need for more volunteers – specific opportunities are advertised on the PTA listserv and the PTA website, check it out!

Current volunteer needs/opportunities include:

–        Atrium watering volunteers

–        Lunchtime/recess volunteers

–        Volunteers to help with registration for school clubs at dismissal time

–       Upcoming spring events

TPES Updates, Membership: Erin Kelley, TPES PTA Treasurer
Membership fee income is close to our annual $5,000 goal already this year but new members are always encouraged – the more memberships we have, the more money in the PTA funds to support our school.
PTA memberships start from $12 for a standard member.
Each membership includes a mandatory $1 to the Country and $4.25 to the State, the remainder goes directly to the TPES PTA to support our programs.

PBES Update: Frex Azcarate, PBES PTA President
Fred introduced Cynthia Greenberg, Assistant Principal PBES. Ms Greenberg apologised that Ms Oberdorf, the new Principal of PBES, was unable to attend this evening due to a family bereavement. Ms Greenberg provided some additional updates:

–        PBES gym floor has a pervasive water leak which is restricting Physical Education to one half of the gym. A temporary repair will be carried out in late November/early December with a big, hopefully final, repair in the summer break.

–        The new Counselling team and new staff were settling in well.

–        The new music teacher is introducing a new PBES tradition – a musical!

–        Parent-teacher conferences were already underway and the school year is off to a great start!

PBES Updates, Call to 2nd Grade parents: Dalia Hochman
As a new PBES parent and former TPES parent, Dalia shared her experience that PTA involvement at PBES trickles off and she hoped to get 2nd grade parents thinking about getting involved at PBES prior to next year. There are lots of opportunities – big and small- so any parents who want to learn more about PBES, the PTA or start getting involved now should get in touch with Dalia. Dalia has sent an email to the TPES PTA listserv with her contact information.

PBES Updates, Addition: Fred Azcarate, PBES PTA President
The Superintendent’s Capital Improvements Plan included a possible addition (6 classrooms and a few auxiliary rooms) for PBES. There are 4 options, 3 of which would keep the pool and 1 would remove it (there has been lots of advocacy for keeping the pool). The updated Superintendent Plan determined there would be no new elementary school but there would be additions at 4 schools including PBES.
Opening of the new addition is slated for Fall 2021, with the school likely to stay open throughout the construction period. There will be parent engagement in due course, so look out for communications.

8pm: Meeting adjourned for PEP workshop, Power Tools for Power Struggles.

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes, June 5, 2018

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA

Draft Meeting Minutes, June 5, 2018

7-8 pm, APR

Secretary: Allyson Piazza

Attendance: 17 members, 4 non-members

Welcome and Updates: PTA President Lia Goldstein

  • Hip Hop Hope Poetry Slam: June 6, 7 at TPMS 7pm
  • 2nd Grade Promotion and picnic June 13 at 10am, TPMS
  • Last day of school June 15, dismissal at 1:20pm
  • New families play date: August 18, 10am-12pm at the TPES playground
  • Back to school celebration: August 30, 5-7pm at TPES playground
  • Kindergarten back to school night: August 30, 7-8pm (adults only)
  • Open House: August 31, 3-4pm
  • 1st day of school: Sept 4
  • 1st and 2nd grade back to school night: Sept 5, 7-8pm

Erin Kelley, Treasurer’s Report

  • Dolphin Drive raised $9,400, almost twice the amount we budgeted
  • Basketball game raised over $800
  • Readathon raised almost $17,000
  • Budget amendment to increase the Readathon expenses from $300 to $400; amendment passed unanimously
  • Paper shortage at school was due to an ordering error, the PTA is helping to provide paper to make it through the end of the year
  • Summer budget: Marissa Walker requested to add $200 for Health and Wellness for refreshments during a teacher training they are hosting in August. Summer budget approved unanimously.

Supply kit update, Sasha Johnson and Ally Piazza

  • Once the supply lists are approved, order forms will be sent out and notices will go out on the listserv/website/Facebook
  • Kits that are ordered will be delivered to your child’s classroom and can be picked up at Open House in August.
  • If you have a student at PBES next year, you can order a kit now. (school ID: PIN226)

Volunteer Recruitment, Lia Salza Goldstein

  • There are several committees that need volunteers
  • The 1st PTA meeting in September will include a Volunteer Fair to give new and continuing families the chance to learn about all of the volunteer opportunities within the PTA.

STEM Robotics Program, Tracee Matthias

  • MD Department of Education is offering grants to schools to support robotics programs
  • Tracee wants to submit a $10,000 grant application on behalf of the TPES PTA this month to bring a robotics program to TPES that all students (including K students) will benefit from.
  • Gadsden supports the initiative
  • Motion to approve the application submission passed unanimously.

2018-19 Executive Committee Elections, Nominating Committee (Meg McDonald, Rachel Sturke, Ally Piazza)

  • Proposed slate approved unanimously

President: Lia Salza Goldstein

Executive VP: Rachel Sturke (Meg McDonald)

Treasurer: Erin Kelley

VP Communications: Sasha Johnson

VP Membership: Lindsay Harrison (Jonna Hamilton/Kawsar Talaat)

VP Fundraising: Whitney Phend

Membership Secretary: Claire Andrews

Executive Secretary: Emily Merolli

Staff changes for 2018-19, Dr. Gadsden

  • Croft, Ms. Grossman and Mrs. Boggan are leaving TPES