Takoma Park Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes, April 3, 2018
Takoma Park Elementary School PTA
Meeting Minutes, April 3, 2018
7-8pm, APR
Secretary: Allyson Piazza
Attendance: 30 members, 11 non-members
Welcome and Updates: PTA President Lia Goldstein
- Monday 4/9/18 is early release;
- Principal Coffee Friday 4/13 at 3pm;
- MCPS and MCCPTA Mental Health Wellness forum in Gaithersburg 4/22 open to teachers and parents. Register at https://goo.gl/forms/eHVPgj6erLeoXxSW2;
- TPES/PBES Basketball Game 5/3;
- K Orientation (no school for K) 5/3,5/4, and 5/7.
Treasurer’s report: PTA Treasurer Erin Kelley just had a baby, will report next month.
Health and Wellness Committee: Lia Goldstein presented for Marissa Walker, Committee Chair
- Starting next week, every Wednesday in April and May a coach from the YMCA will lead games for students during recess to get them moving and having fun. Part of the funds the PTA gets from the TPK5K are being used to support this program. Volunteers are needed to help, so please see the sign-up sent on the listserv.
- Sign up for the TPK5K 5/6 – it raises money for all 5 TP schools. tkpk5k.com
Equity Committee, Shana Sabbath
- The after school homework club is very successful. Teachers are donating their time to run this club, but the committee would like to use part of its budget to provide stipends to the teachers. ($2100 of the $3000). Shana put this to a vote and there was unanimous approval for the committee to use the Committee budget for teacher stipends.
- Love Takoma Event on 4/14: please spread the word. *see attachment*
School Security, Jumana Musa (parent of 1st grader)
- The recent news about the assault of a KA employee at TPES, combined with news of school shootings, prompted a group of parents to meet with Dr. Gadsden and KA to discuss security issues at TPES. The APR door remains unlocked before and after school which is a security concern and the door should have a locking mechanism like at other schools.
- KA Executive Director (Drew Philips) spoke about the door: 3 years ago requested a lock from MCPS but was told it would cost KA $20,000. They have not made another request since then and does not know if the cost has changed. A parent spoke up making note that she was familiar with key pad systems that are much less expensive, $1500-2000.
Readathon update, Lee Fogel-Anderegg and Maiko Callister co-chairs
- 24 teachers had over 50% participation
- Goal is to raise $15,000. Raised $5,900 so far. Deadline for donations is 4/13.
- Need volunteers for popcorn party this Friday 4/6.
Download the PEP Presentation on Positive Discipline