December 4, 2023 – Dolphin Digest TPES PTA Weekly Newsletter

Joint TPES/PBES PTA Meeting TOMORROW, 12/5, 7-8PM 

In response to questions that parents have raised about how best to support their children academically (after receiving feedback on report cards and in conferences), both schools will provide information on resources and tools, in both reading and math, that families can use with their children at home. Zoom link will be sent a few hours before the meeting.

HUGE Thanks for Contributing to the Dolphin Drive! 
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! We couldn’t have done it without your generous support. Diana, our VP Fundraising, will announce the grand total at our PTA meeting, but spoiler alert: We EXCEEDED our $10,000 goal! 

TPES Online Book Fair with Bookworm Central
The TPES PTA is excited to announce that we are partnering with Northern Virginia-based company Bookworm Central for this year’s book fair. But you don’t need to wait until the on-site book fair in the Spring.

You can go to our online book fair right now and purchase books to support our school. TPES earns 15% of all online book fair sales! Purchases made by December 8 will ship in time for the holidays. There is something for everyone at Bookworm Central.

Check out our online book fair at: You can see the full list of available titles by clicking the “Books” tab at the top of the fair page. You can also help Ms. Anderson and the Media get the books they need by purchasing from the Library’s Book Fair Drive. Those books will go right to the Media Center’s collection. Let’s get reading!

Consider Purchasing TPES Gear for Holiday Gifts! 

The PTA has plenty of selection and sizes on TPES t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, magnet decals, and water bottles. Consider purchasing as a holiday gift while supporting the Dolphins! Email Claire Dean, for more information.

Lice is Still Here! 

Lice is still going around at TPES, and due to the new protocols, you will likely not know if lice has been found in your child’s classroom. The PTA’s Health and Wellness Committee is working on additional communication and education but in the meantime, be vigilant at home! Check for signs of lice (mainly itching/scratching of head). Lice and nits are being found at the crown of their heads rather than behind ears and nape of neck, so check all areas!

Outdoor Recess Policy and Dressing for the Weather

Please see Dr. Gadsden’s latest newsletter for details on MCPS outdoor recess policy and ensuring your child dresses for the weather (including a pro-parent tip!). In general, for cold weather, outdoor recess will be canceled when it is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder with a wind speed of 10 miles per hour or more.

Celebrating birthdays at TPES

Please see Dr. Gadsden’s latest newsletter for details on birthday celebrations at the school. TPES loves celebrating and recognizing your child’s birthday but please follow the school’s policies. 1) Only store-bought treats are permitted; 2) Please provide only one treat per child; 3) No balloons, candles, hats, party favors; 4) Non-MCPS children are not permitted in classrooms (but teacher can arrange to enjoy treats in a common area like the atrium if siblings must attend); 5) Please contact your child’s teacher in advance to schedule a time to celebrate with the class

TPES Transitioning Communication Platform: Sign Up for the Remind App!

Remind is a messaging platform that will be used to communicate across MCPS. School staff, central office staff, students and parents will all have Remind accounts to enable them to send and/or receive messages using a preferred mode of communication, such as text message, email or phone call and in their preferred language. Sign up…Text @takomap to the number 81010

You will receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @takomap to (563) 265-6842.

ParentVue is still the platform for checking grades, attendance, documents, etc.

School Closing Alerts for Inclement Weather and Request your Chromebook! 

You can learn about school closures, delayed openings an early dismissals when there is inclement weather via text, email, webpage, hotline, social media, etc. Click here to learn how to sign up. Also, a reminder that for excessive weather-related school closings, MCPS may go virtual. Request a Chromebook for your child using the link.

Small Things Matter Coat and Winter Gear Distribution

Families are invited to a second distribution event of coats and winter gear on Tuesday, December 5 from 4:30-6 PM behind the TPSS Coop. 

In less than 24 hours, our generous community fulfilled our gift drive for our TPES families! If you didn’t volunteer for this drive but would still like to give back to the larger local community this month, here are a couple of options:
  • The City of Takoma Park is collecting toy donations at the Police Department and Volunteer Fire Department through December 20.
  • Small Things Matter is collecting toy donations at several locations around Takoma Park through December 17.

Literacy Night – SAVE THE DATE – December 21st

TPES Literacy Night is approaching! More details to come but expect rooms throughout the building to be set up with different literacy games and activities that you can then practice at home!

Upcoming TPES Events

December 5 – PTA Meeting
December 8 – Deadline to order books from book fair to arrive by 12/25
December 21 – Literacy Night

Upcoming Community Events

December 16, 1-4pm – Takoma Cocoa Crawl
January 26 – Blair HS STEM Night

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