June 2023 PTA Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)
Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES)
Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


1a.   Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Refer to MCPS 2022-2023 Calendar and additional dates at the end of these notes

Both TPES and PBES:

  • June 13th 7-8pm via Zoom TPES-PBES NAACP Parent Council meeting.  Dr. Gadsden and Mrs. Oberdorf will join for a discussion on how to help our students keep engaged and continue learning over the summer. A zoom link will be sent on the day of the meeting. Look out for an email from Sharon Gaskins and Ingrid Gardner with more information. Need volunteers for next year’s NAACP Rep from TPES (and PBES)
  • Friday, June 16: last day of school (half day)
  • Summer school— Summer school invitations have gone out and summer school is full at PBES. Please contact your student’s teacher or principal with any questions. 
  • Thank you to all TPES and PBES volunteers — please visit the TPES and PBES PTA Volunteer Hall of Fame and help thank all volunteers.


  • June 15th PBES – Reminder about Fifth Grade Promotion. The PTA will be providing lunch for the fifth graders that day. 
  • If you are a committee or event co-chair or room parent or would like to be one next school year, please contact Sara Lewis or add your name to the Google Document to confirm that you can volunteer – help us get all set up for the fall! serowe@gmail.com


  • Volunteers Needed for TPES Field Days: June 7 (K), June 8 (1st) and June 9th (2nd) from 9:15-11:30am Field Day is coming up and the success of the event depends greatly on the number of volunteers there are per station! There will be 10 – 12 stations and each station should have at least 2 volunteers to function properly (20-24 volunteers needed per day). The dates and times for Field Day for each grade are listed below. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Ms. Paz (Johanna_A_Paz@mcpsmd.org) with your name, child’s name, phone number and the date you plan on volunteering. As a reminder, please come dressed comfortably and equipped with a hat and sunscreen for your personal use, as well as water. Please help us make this a memorable event for all students!


  1.     TPES Wellness Committee Initiative of “Wait Until Eighth” (Amber Rieke from Health     and Wellness Committee) 
  • Nationwide family-led initiative to change community norms and delay phone use until 8th grade
  • Responding to a wave of recent research on the youth mental health crises
  • While a lot of the recent research highlights teens, we know that children are getting access to phones earlier and earlier
  • Smartphones are addictive and distracting but they can also impact child brain development, increase risk for mental health conditions, increase risk for exposure to cyberbullying and inappropriate content
  • www.waituntil8th.org for resources
  • Consider signing the pledge on the Wait Until 8th to have strength in numbers (more families signing on to this helps) but no action is requires
  • For families worried about their child missing out on conversations that take place on social media/phone, can appreciate the idea that we all link arms to change the norms in our school communities. The more families who delay, the easier it is. (The other thing to point to is that it is technically not legal for kids under 13 to use social media anyway, we just know that’s not enforced.) There are also always options for flip phones for texting!
  1.   Membership vote on the 2023-2024 Executive Boards 
  • Voted on full slate for TPES and it was passed
    • President: Kaitlin Caruso 
    • Executive Vice President: Claire Dean
    • Treasurer: Amy Swift
    • VP Membership: Mercedes Castelo 
    • VP Equity: Jon Frederick 
    • Membership Secretary: Lesley Perry and Christine Kahler Smith
    • VP Communications: Joyce McDonough
    • VP Fundraising: Diana Hickey van Houwelingen 
    • MCCPTA Delegate: Christina Davis 
    • Executive Secretary: Anna Juarez
  • Voted on full slate for PBES and it was passed
    • President: Ingrid Gardiner 
    • Executive VP: Aphra Adkins
    • Treasurer: Rachael Pierotti 
    • Secretary: Lis Hooper 
    • Fundraising VP: Mary Kathryn Lee
    • Membership VP: Sara Lewis 
    • Communications VP: Chris Campbell 
    • Equity VP: Desiree Hernandez
    • MCCPTA (County) Delegates: Matthew Stark Blumin; Paul Donowitz
  1. Brief remarks from TPES and PBES principals 
  • Dr/ Gadsden: Attempted to return to normal with evening activities and such. Was a difficult year but grateful to teachers and parents and staff who showed up
  • Ms. Oberdorff: Thanks to PTA board and membership for helping to facilitate events; thanks to all who showed up to help
  1. Margaret Webb (Guest speaker and parenting coach). We’re pleased to be joined by Margaret Webb, who has been a parenting coach for over 12 years. She’s a certified life coach, nature-based coach, a former teacher, and author. She’ll be sharing highlights and actionable steps from her Summer Survival parenting course. 
  • PDF Handouts referenced: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/nrzmkdktrm6uju1/Summer_Survival_Skills_Handout.pdf/file
  • She is the mother of a 20 y/o son with autism. 
  • A contributor to TilT Podcast about parenting differently wired children
  • Identify things that create tension with your child (eg boredom, unstructured time ) and then brainstorm with your child things they can do when these moments come up
  • They may also need downtime to do what they consider flow-type activities (things that come really easily to them and it may not look like what your neighbor’s kids are doing (swinging, swimming, bouncing, singing, etc)
  • There’s the child aspect and then there’s the parent aspect – what can parents do as well to set ourselves up for success
  • Can ask: is there anything I can do ahead of time to make stressful times easier for myself? What do I know are the stressful times of our day? If we can do things to check off stressful items we will be calmer and have larger bandwidth to manage kids during stressful periods
    • Do I need to pack a lunchbox for myself?
    • Do I need to have water in my car for pick up?
    • Is there anything that I need to communicate ahead of time to those who are supporting my child? (and who do you feel safe communicating that information to)
  • Taking time to reflect each week – either alone, with you and a partner or you and your kids to ask three questions: 1. What worked? 2. What didn’t work? 3. What’s one thing we can try next week that can get us a different result?
    • How can you be a better friend? How can you take care of yourself better/next week? 
  • These questions creating a learning mindset, curiosity, a reminder that nothing is set in stone
  • Academics during the summer are light and real-life based (math with baking; geography with maps of places they are going; good books, trips to the library; going to museums; tap into what they already like and slip in the academics. Go light on the worksheets. Summer is a time to recharge. Make it authentic to what you’re doing day-to-day and different from what they’re doing at school.
  • Grocery lists from 101planners.com and have the kids plan the grocery list and go shopping with you
  • For summer camps, could sit down with your kids and a spreadsheet where they are engaged with you in filling out which camps they are going to each week, what time they need to walk out of the door each morning, what they need to pack for camp and then have them back up the night before
  1. Treasurer’s End of Year Report and Budget Votes


  • A little over the goal at $32,678 for total PTA income
  • Expenses: major one is dreambox math adaptive software is already planned an in the works but not in this budget – it costs around $10K
    • Mostly school support activities like academic supports, 2nd grade graduation, field trips, teacher appreciation week
    • Expenses at $54,628
    • Will leave the available cash balance at $35K?
    • PTA taxes were done and accepted by the IRS
  1. PTA Summer Send-Off! 


List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Reminder on Upcoming Dates/events: 

To request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.

Deposit funds in your child’s “MySchoolBucks” account – link 

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals at School – link

No child will be turned away – PBES and TPES will ensure every child who requests food receives it, but applications are needed so no debt is accrued. The PTA equity teams are also seeking to support families during this time – please donate to the PBES PTA and TPES PTA and to Tommy’s Pantry to help fill gaps and ensure food access for all in our community. 


Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview


We need your help and support:

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com


PBES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pineybranches/

Find out the latest from the Panther Tracks Newsletter for PBES. Sign up for the PTA listserv or send an email to pbespta+subscribe@groups.io to start posting and receiving messages.


TPES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/takomaparkes/ 

May 2023 PTA Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


  •  Welcome – Chris Campbell PBES PTA VP of Communications & Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President
  • Interpreters:
    • Luis Mejia (Luis_D_Mejia@mcpsmd.org), Spanish Interpreter
    • Tebeje Abebech (Abebech_Tebeje@mspsmd.org), Amharic Interpreter
  • Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Refer to MCPS 2022-2023 Calendar


  • TPES Key dates and updates/announcements:
  • May 3, Bike to School Day
  • May 11, 7pm: Parent Meeting (Behavior Support), via Zoom
  • May 18, 7pm: TPES Art Showcase. Celebrate your child’s artwork.
  • May 24: TPES assembly in honor of Asian/ Pacific American Heritage Month at TPES 
  • GoFundMe fundraiser created for Ms. Joines and her two young daughters as they grieve the loss of her husband, Mr. Nick Joines.
  • Actively recruiting for PTA leadership positions for the 2023-2024 school year and have a number of open positions given term limits and parents who are graduating to PBES. Please email vp@tpespta.net if interested in stepping up. We need you!
Positions 2023-24 2022-2023
President Kaitlin Caruso Margaret McDonnell
Executive Vice President Need – max term limit Joyce McDonough
Treasurer Need – max term limit Stephen Tippett
Executive Secretary Need – max term limit Dianne Kirsch
Membership Secretary Justine Lassman Justine Lassman
Vice President Communications Need Kaitlin Caruso
Vice President Membership Mercedes Castilo Estelle Jean
Vice President Fundraising Diana Hickey van Houwlingen Diana Hickey van Houwelingen 
Vice President Equity Jon Frederick Jon Frederick
MCCPTA Delegate Need-  Rebecca Shaeffer


  • PBES Principal Mrs. Oberdorf will provide an update on ELA Enrichment and classroom assignments for 2023-24. Please feel free to contact her with any questions at: christine_d_oberdorf@mcpsmd.org.
    • Planning for a time of articulation re rising 3rd graders
    • Work closely with Dr. Gadsden, ELD, special ed, and administration all get together to plan class assignments for next year. 
    • Parent input forms will be coming out next week to help teachers will class assignments for 3rd grade
    • Discussing enrichment opportunities – but uncertain what ELA curriculum will be – stay with Benchmark or transition to a new program.
    • District will screen all 3rd graders for enrichment opportunities in 4th grade + PBES has some discretion to add students based on their own ELA assessments


  • TPES Principal Dr. Gadsden – will provide information on class assignment process. Please     feel free to contact her with any questions at: zadia_t_gadsden@mcpsmd.org
    • Dr. Gadsden has a slideshow to help parents understand process for making class assignments at TPES
    • For K start with race and the parent identified gender of child so we have balanced classes; also gather data from kindergarten orientation
    • Close to 200 incoming K which may be another 1-2 K teachers
    • Will not honor requests to “keep with” unless they are twins bc it is required by law
    • Requests to keep students “separate from” are always honored
    • For Grades 1 & 2 use DIBELS assessments and MAP growth scores and teacher recs (twins will not necessarily be kept together for math unless works)
    • Will not honor requests for teacher classrooms; if you request a teacher by name your child will not have that teacher to avoid the appearance of favoritism.


  • PBES PTA Bylaws vote (Introduced by PBES PTA Exec VP Sara Lewis). Changing article 8, section 2 (was emailed out a few months ago), changing article 10 section 3 as well (shown on screen share again today). Moved for passage -PASSED.


  • TPES PTA Budget Amendment vote (Introduced by Margaret) The TPES Executive Board proposes spending up to $10,000 to purchase the math DreamBox subscription for every current K-2 student (from June 2023-June 2024) to provide supplemental math practice and enrichment to address learning loss. Moved for passage – PASSED.


Due to the pandemic and thanks to the generosity of our membership, the TPES PTA has built a steady surplus of cash from not spending on as many in-person programs. We have been in close communication with school leadership and have determined the greatest need and highest impact gift that our PTA can make at this time is to provide supplementary math support. As many of you know, our PTA has been focused on addressing learning loss due to the pandemic, and math has been hardest hit. DreamBox is an adaptive math program that can be used at home and in classrooms. Dr. Gadsden’s colleagues at peer schools have used the program with great success. TPES plans to use the program as one of its math centers within the classroom, and now that MCPS provides free access to Chromebooks and hotspots at home, families can use the program at home. 

Since our current 2nd grade families are the ones who have contributed to our PTA these past three years during the pandemic, we’d like to ensure that they are included in this program, so at minimum, your second grader will have a subscription to DreamBox they can use at home for the next year, even in third grade. 


  • Treasurer’s Reports

Stephen Tippett, TPES PTA Treasurer Budget Report 

  • Fundraising just over $9K
  • Tix prices from DC United Game raised a few hundred $
  • No big expenses coming up, only smaller scale expenses

Kate Bauer, PBES PTA Treasurer Budget Report  (out tonight)


  • Introduction of Promotion Panels for rising 3G and rising 6G (Chris Campbell, PBES PTA VP Communications) – 
    • Welcome to Future Panther Families (facilitated by Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President); Welcome from PBES Principal Mrs. Oberdorf
    • Hear from current PBES Parents Ingrid Gardiner (PBES NAACP Representative and Parent), Julie LeSuer (PBES Parent), Joyce McDonough (PBES PTA Secretary and TPES Executive Vice President), and Chris Campbell (PBES PTA Communications VP) about the transition from TPES to PBES.
    • Q&A: If you have additional questions, please contact Mrs. Oberdorf, chritine at PBES or the PTA at: pbes.pta@gmail.com, or visit: pbespta.org.
    • Ms. Oberdorff – June 6th 2G will visit PBES, tour the building, spend time in the classroom with current 3G learning about the grade.
    • Learning, Caring, Thriving and Embracing are the four core values
    • Working with Dr. Gadsden to help the transition from 2G to 3G
    • Panelists provided guidance, advice to rising 3G parents
      • Massive playground and swim classes were highlights
      • For swimming -students attend swim classes during PE and they are free; occur during 2 separate 3 week periods. PTA funds swim suits/provides assistance for supplies as needed. Reach out to school or PTA if you have questions about needs.
      • PB Jelly the Panther mascot is a big highlight
      • Going from being the big kid to the little kid was not such a difficult adjustment
      • As a walking family, you do not need to be at the school in person at dismissal – could have the children meet you at TPES for a younger sibling or elsewhere 
      • Each grade divided into two pods for lunch and recess (pod A and pod B) which makes the school feel smaller re playground and lunch, etc. Not much overlap between the two pods. Downside is if your buddy is not in the same pod you might not have much overlap. However, you can request a pod share at the beginning of the year. No academic distinction between the two pods.
      • Some kids may fear that they won’t know anyone at this new building – need to be reminded that they will know everyone in their grade and lots of kids in the older grades too
      • Increased independence – kids have agency to use their planner for homework etc.
      • Kind teachers; kind front desk staff
      • Specials for art music media STEM, PE; counselors also visit classrooms re social and emotional curriculum
      • 3G enrichment is provided in classroom for ELA and math re small group instruction. This changes in 4th grade.
      • KA (Kid’s Adventure) offers before and after care; Little Scholars also has programs as does Forest Explorers, and the TP Rec Dept.
      • Lots of cultural and social opportunities: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
      • Geobowl at PBES teaches geography and is really fun
      • What’s different – a lot more focus on getting your children to be more independent -they are responsible for their homework and there is more of it; more projects that they will be working on. More writing assignments. 
      • Ride the waves of that first month or month and a half of the adjustment to homework interfering with socialization or losing homework or doing really well on an assignment, etc. Some days they want you to walk to school and sometimes they don’t – just ride the waves 🙂
      • Friday 8/25 tentative open house for PBES


  • Final joint TPES/PBES PTA meeting of the year – Tues. June 6, at 7pm on Zoom. 

List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Reminder on Upcoming Dates/events: 

  • April 24-May 12: PE Swim Session 2. 
  • Artist in Residence Working with 5th Graders:
  • 5th grade English Language Arts (ELA) classes are excited to host an Artist in Residence for the month of May.  The artist is a professional playwright who will work with each ELA class to conceptualize, write, and perform an original play.  Performances will be script-in-hand without props or stagecraft, but each play will be original to each class.  Each ELA class and Media class will host one  session per week from May 1st through May 19th.  In-school performances will follow on May 31 and June 1.  
  • May 3: Bike and Wheels to School Day at PBES
  • May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week at TPES and PBES
  • May 10: MCPS Program – Popular Culture and Hate: Understanding what Your Student is Exposed to in Society today – (English) May 10, 2023, Registration Link
  • May 26: Field Day at PBES
  • May 31: Cultural Heritage Night at PBES
  • May 31, 7pm: Cultura Popular y Odio: Entendiento a lo que esta expuesto su estudiante en la sociedad actual (Espanol/ Spanish) Registration Link 
  • June 6, 7pm on Zoom – Last joint PTA meeting of the school year.  Agenda TBD – but will include a Vote on the PTA Officers for next year – so please save the date.
  • June____ at : _____: Fifth Grade Families – save the date for the PBES Promotion Ceremony.

To request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • To request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com
  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.

Deposit funds in your child’s “MySchoolBucks” account – link 

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals at School – link

No child will be turned away – PBES and TPES will ensure every child who requests food receives it, but applications are needed so no debt is accrued. The PTA equity teams are also seeking to support families during this time – please donate to the PBES PTA and TPES PTA and to Tommy’s Pantry to help fill gaps and ensure food access for all in our community. 


Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview


We need your help and support:

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com


PBES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pineybranches/

Find out the latest from the Panther Tracks Newsletter for PBES. Sign up for the PTA listserv or send an email to pbespta+subscribe@groups.io to start posting and receiving messages.

TPES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/takomaparkes/

April 2023 PTA Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)

April 11, 2023 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


  • Welcome Kaitlin Caruso, TBES PTA VP of Communications & Margaret McDonnell, TPES PTA President
  • Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Refer to MCPS 2022-2023 Calendar 
  • Both TPES and PBES:
    1. Friday 4/14 Popcorn party to celebrate kids reaching Read-A-Thon 200,000 min goal
    2. NO School on April 21st- professional day for teachers 
    3. April 26: Administrative Professionals – help celebrate teachers at both schools
    4. TPES: NO School for Kindergarten students on April 28 and May 1 because of Kindergarten orientation 
    5. City of TKPK is no longer able to coordinate the 5K typically held in May and the hope is that volunteers will step up to plan for Fall 2023. Please consider volunteering to help pull it together. There’s a meeting on April 25, at 7:30pm to coordinate the 5K transition from City management. https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdu-qrDgvHNNof27v-S1xkgs5WI_nzRQL#/.(include link in chat)
  • TPES Key dates and updates/announcements:
    • Thanks to those who came out for the DC United game in March– 129 tickets were sold for a total of $645. 
    • TPES: Thank you to everyone who participated in the TPES Read-a-thon in March. The students exceeded their goal of 200,000 minutes and read a total of 253,650 minutes. Pledges are due by April 17th and we will post information in the chat on how to send them in. Finally, we would also like to send a huge thanks to our Read-a-thon chairs, Amanda Wagner, Sonia Fernandez and Latha Reddy. 
    • May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week: For TPES Sharon Garner and Emma have agreed to co-chair committee for TPES considering a wellness week for teachers to include a lunch, maybe massages and notes of appreciation from students/parents- requests forthcoming from committee and room parents 
    • May 24: TPES assembly in honor of Asian/ Pacific American Heritage Month at TPES 


  • PBES Key Dates/Announcements
    • May PTA meeting will include a PBES PTA Bylaws vote – see Sara Lewis’s email with the revised draft Bylaws, or contact serowe@gmail.com or pbes.pta@gmail.com if you’d like to see a copy.  (Basically we had to adjust some wording for the host PTA organization and so need to revote). 
    • PBES Staff and Teacher Appreciation week is coming up the week of May 8.  Please contact Amy (amybethsawyer@gmail.com) or Alisa (alisaobrien10@yahoo.com) if you can volunteer to help that week.
    • Snack donations still needed – please deliver to PBES to the attention of the Third Grade and Counseling Teams – thank you.
    • April 24 PE Swimming session two will start 
  • Recruitment for TPES and PBES PTA Officer positions for 2023-24

TPES: We’re starting to recruit for PTA leadership positions for the 2023-2024 school year and have a number of open positions. An email will go out from the recruitment committee, headed by Joyce McDonough. In meantime, please email vp@tpespta.net if interested in stepping up. We need you!

Positions 2023-24 2022-2023
President Need – max term limit Margaret McDonnell
Executive Vice President Need – max term limit Joyce McDonough
Treasurer Need – max term limit Stephen Tippett
Executive Secretary Need – max term limit Dianne Kirsch
Membership Secretary Justine Lassman
Vice President Communications Kaitlin Caruso
Vice President Membership Estelle Jean
Vice President Fundraising Diana Hickey van Houwelingen 
Vice President Equity Jon Frederick
MCCPTA Delegate Need- youngest moving to 3rd grade Rebecca Shaeffer


  • PBES – calling new Board members for 2023-24! (Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President)
    • Click this link for information about our current Officers list and Board positions: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com/our-pta
    • Please reach out to pbes.pta@gmail.com or any of your current Board members if you would like to express interest in helping in any position on the PBES PTA Board next year. We are still resolving the list of open positions and would love to help match your interest and time with a way to help that will make a difference for our community.


  • Mayor Talisha Searcy: to cover priorities, decisions and plans that particularly affect students, teachers, and parents/families of TKPK re the city’s recreation, library, Adventist Hospital, PBES renovation https://takomaparkmd.gov/government/city-council/mayor-searcy/#:~:text=About%20Mayor%20Talisha%20Searcy,Association%20from%202015%20to%202017.
    • Ward 6 council member for 5 years prior becoming Mayor
    • Working to advocate for more parks/spaces 
    • Priority on council is the budget; navigating hard decisions about how to advance priorities
    • Library construction is still moving forward; may be receiving some additional funds from the state to support that effort (please take advantage of temporary library space)
    • Put out request for proposals on rec center
    • Working to address safety re school shootings; sitting in on meetings with police chief and principals on safety
    • There is crowding in our schools especially as we increase opportunities for density – how to begin to address current and future crowding in the schools. The role of council is advocacy on behalf of the city as it pertains to funding for schools. What happens within the school is MCPS domain. With the Adventist site as a possibility for expanding school space, council is working with the county to get the proper zoning. Currently Adventist is zoned for hospital and single family homes so you can’t do much until there are changes to the zoning
    • The county’s plan for the school’s infrastructure (Capital Improvement Plan) is on a 6 year plan but the Council operates a CIP on a 6 year plan. 
    • The decisions around where the school goes belongs to MCPS. 
    • Funding and building the schools is between the MoCo and MCPS
    • Takoma Park Council only approves the zoning and can work to influence MoCo and MCPS re development/improvement around zoning.
    • The minor master planning work for PBES renovation or rebuild is operating on the assumption that MCPS has approved this increase in student population. However, TPES and PBES enrollment is going down and so if PBES reno comes to pass, then over time we should have enough space in these schools as density increases as anticipated. 
    • The priorities of the council: 
    • leverage ARPA dollars to help households with direct cash assistance ($1K if income less than $50K), food and security grants and workforce development grants
    • Working to identify best programming opportunities for the diverse communities 
    • Funding mental health counselors from MoCo to work with the city staff, particularly the police department, to help them respond to calls that may warrant mental health rather than police intervention – they can also help the city think through novel ways to route calls to 911 or 988 to get non police support when needed
    • 10% increase in county taxes mean council has been advocating that some of that money go to the schools – the best way for parents/teachers/admin to weigh in on PBES renovation timeframe is to make sure the money goes to this. 
    • Other ways people can get involved: sign up for the Takoma Insider to get a quick download of what is happening on a regular basis; Can check in weekly on the Council agenda website; check in with your city council member; council meetings are Wednesday nights at 7pm
    • Middle and high school students can participate in the Arts & Humanities Commission and in the Youth Council.


Video last night’s City Council Special Meeting recording/resources: https://takomaparkmd.gov/meeting_agendas/city-council-special-meeting-agenda-monday-april-10-2023/

  • Treasurer’s Reports & Vote

Joyce McDonough, PTA VP in lieu of Stephen Tippett, TPES PTA Treasurer Budget Report 

  • Income still waiting on pledges from Read-A-Thon (can make those pledges on the website – deadline of 4/17)
  • Tracking lower on our expenses; following up with school staff
  • Still have funding for field trips and assemblies
  • Good shape overall


Emma Cheuse, PTA President, in lieu of Kate Bauer, PBES PTA Treasurer Budget Report  

  • Meeting goals thanks to generosity of school community; wanting to make sure there’s a buffer for next year’s PTA. Expenses are under right now only bc they haven’t paid the pool bill (~$6K)


  • Thanks & Next Steps – Margaret (TPES PTA President)

Thank you to all TPES and PBES volunteers — please visit the TPES and PBES PTA Volunteer Hall of Fame and help thank all volunteers. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucSOV9NXPnYnnFvkZIKfwYi50KMEnQUtqCarVSSIVJc/edit 


List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Reminder on Upcoming Dates/events: 

  • April 26: Administrative Professionals Day 
  • April 24-May 12: PE Swim Session 2. 
  • May 8-12: Teacher Appreciation Week at TPES and PBES
  • Next joint PTA meeting: Tues. May 2nd, at 7pm on Zoom. To request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.

Deposit funds in your child’s “MySchoolBucks” account – link 

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals at School – link

No child will be turned away – PBES and TPES will ensure every child who requests food receives it, but applications are needed so no debt is accrued. The PTA equity teams are also seeking to support families during this time – please donate to the PBES PTA and TPES PTA and to Tommy’s Pantry to help fill gaps and ensure food access for all in our community. 

Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview

We need your help and support:

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com

PBES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pineybranches/

Find out the latest from the Panther Tracks Newsletter for PBES. Sign up for the PTA listserv or send an email to pbespta+subscribe@groups.io to start posting and receiving messages.

TPES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/takomaparkes/ 

March 2023 PTA Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


PBES Facilitated PTA Mtg: Chris Campbell, PBES PTA VP of Communications & Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President

  1. Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Refer to MCPS 2022-2023 Calendar and see details at the end of the minutes

  2. Happy Women’s History Month! Here are some resources to share with your children:

  1. Volunteers and Donations Needed for March: Please see the list at the end of this meeting agenda – the following are immediate events.

TPES Key Dates/Announcements:

  1. TPES Readathon co-chair Amanda Wagner : Readathon at TPES is Feb 27-March 24!  If you are able to volunteer to help by tracking minutes, please email Amanda Wagner at helloamandawagner@gmail.com.
  2. DC United TPES Fundraiser: Purchase tickets (each ticket costs $15 and includes an additional $5 donation for the TPES PTA for a total cost of $20) for the March 25 game vs. New England Revolution. Click HERE to purchase tickets. First 50 seats are located in Section 114. Contact Emma Cohen-Dumani to make the purchase and donation (ecohendumani@dcunited.com) for the tickets.
  3. TPES STEM Night is next Thursday, March 16th, 7-8pm. All children are welcome. If any parents would like to volunteer (or teenagers looking for SSL hours), please contact Ms. Joines (Christine_A_Joines@mcpsmd.org)  or Mrs. Blacksten (Jessica_R_Blacksten@mcpsmd.org) .
  4. TPES’s Scholastic Bookfair Chair update

PBES Key Dates/Announcements

  1. Geo-Bowl volunteers needed for March! Please email brittrhoads@gmail.com if you can volunteer.
  2. The PBES Readathon wrapped up with 318,000+ minutes read – exceeding goal of 200,000 minutes. Please finalize your pledges if you have not already done so.
  3. Pool & Fundraising Update — We are close but still need to raise about $2,000 in additional funds to meet our goals. Please give if you can or email Mary Kathryn or pbes.pta@gmail.com if you are able to help recruit Pool Sponsors – we are making progress toward our spring PE swimming session.
  4. Rainbow club meet up March 26th


4.   PBES  MISA/MCAP (Maryland Integrated Science Assessment/ Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program) – Ms. Java Robinson, PBES Staff Development Teacher

  • Mandated state assessment annually for grades 3-8 and once in high school

  • Marks students progress re marking pathway to college readiness and provides teachers info on student progress and supports needed

  • MISA – all students 5th, 8th and high school (March 6 – March 10). Testing in pods Pod A 2:20-3:35, Pod B: 10:40-11:55

  • MCAP ELA demonstrates reading comprehension and literacy skills (oral responses for early grades) (70 minutes long)

  • MCAP Math – demonstrate understanding of math by solving real-world problems (40 minutes long)

  • MCAP is not for magnet program qualifications


5.   TPES (DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) – TPES Literacy Specialist Ms. Bozel

  • Ms. Bozel helped families interpret and understand DIBELS reports that were sent home with report cards

  • Fall, winter, spring for all K-2 students; reports come home three times a year

  • The grade level targets change based on when the testing occurs (eg different targets in the fall, winter and spring)

  • Used to track students progress, especially those who are below expected proficiency

  • Flags for students in need of intensive support

  • Sometimes a lower score is a result of the timed element – the student may not have been able to respond in the time allotted for the test

  • Link to overview: Parent DIBELS Explanation (1).pdf


6.  Elementary Students Book Club, Sponsored by the TPES PTA and focuses on books featuring black and brown characters, Dr. Gadsden, TPES Principal. and Dr. Roberts-Harris

  • B.R.I.D.G.E.S. geared towards African American and Hispanic children but all students are invited to attend. In this book club, children of color can see themselves and/or develop empathy and respect for other cultures

  • When children see themselves reflected in the pages of a book they feel that they belong

  • Takes place on 3 Saturdays/month with grants/money from the PTA; free for all

  • Can take a max of 30 participants (currently full)

  • Always looking for middle and high school volunteers (contact Ms. East)

  • If interested in book club, please contact Ms East at Samikia_East@mcpsmd.org with cc to Dr Roberts-Harris: Deborah_L_Roberts-Harris@mcpsmd.org and Dr Gadsden.

  • Link to presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dxJodG4C7AajNOJnqWoIRrcnW8-Z3zh_65DW_KGbTBs/edit#slide=id.p


7.   PBES Spring Garden Update (Crossroads), Robin Hernandez crossroadscommunityfoodnetwork.org

  • Nonprofit based in TP, Crossroads Community Food Network, started in 2007

    • Host a farmer’s market on Wednesdays

    • Community kitchen on Tulip avenue

    • Host middle schoolers in cooking classes in TkPk Rec

    • Healthy eating programs hosted by Ms. Hernandez

    • Garden along the entrance to the pool is for pollinator plants, herbs, spring greens

    • Hosting an open house and SSL day on April 15th

  • SNAP benefit holders can get 15% off when purchasing their food at the TP Co-op.

  • Making plans with the 5th grade team for a final visit; hope to bring them to the farmer’s market in May.


8.  TPES Food Forest Update, Amy Zimmerman,

  • Organizing a food forest in TPES playground – imagine the edge of the woods with trees, shrubs, trees  that produce food that you can eat

  • Should exist in harmony with wildlife and provides a space for children to explore and learn and harvest food

  • Hands-on learning to teach children that when we look after the land it also looks after us; hoping to learn about soil, biodiversity, native plants by incorporating the food forest into the curriculum

  • Radio interview on Takoma Radio on the food forest at TPES:

  • If interested in volunteering contact Ellen Marcus (need grant writers and info to be spread on social media): To volunteer or learn more about the food forest, email Ellen ellen24fps@gmail.com or me amymangono@gmail.com

  • To listen to the radio interview about the food forest radio https://spinitron.com/WOWD/pl/17054533/Talk-of-Takoma (minutes 1:09-1:30)


9.  Treasurer’s Reports & Vote, Stephen Tippett, TPES PTA Treasurer Budget Report

  • Income is on track at $22,300

  • Expenses are similarly on track $32,740

  • Spent about $10K more than raised but that’s less than what was projected and there was a balance coming into the school year

  • Readathon donations easiest through PayPal

  • Book Fair money is paid out to Scholastic which provides proceeds in the form of Scholastic dollars

  • Budget vote on buying a new PTA budget computer for treasurer for $1K (hopefully will last ten years) – vote passed


10.  Kate Bauer, PBES PTA Treasurer Budget Report

  • Overall met fundraising goals for the year of $57K – had $19K carryover that went towards this.

  • Would like to have a healthy carryover for next year; currently have about $7K carryover

  • Expenses low last month; bought swimsuits for children who did not have them for swim gym class, black history night and ELD night.

  • $25K in programming which will go in part towards another pool gym, club scholarships for after school clubs, staff appreciation week, 5th grade promotion.

11.  Thanks & Next Steps – Emma (PBES PTA President)

Please visit the TPES and PBES PTA Volunteer Hall of Fame and help thank all volunteers. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucSOV9NXPnYnnFvkZIKfwYi50KMEnQUtqCarVSSIVJc/edit


List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Reminder on Upcoming Dates/events:

  • Through March 24: TPES Read-a-Thon!

  • March 26: Panthers & Dolphins TPES/PBES PTA Rainbow Club meet-up at Main Street Pearl, 3-5pm.  LGBTQIA+ parents/caregivers/students all welcome to join for bubble tea and arts and crafts projects.

  • March 29: STEAM Night at PBES, 7-8pm. Please email Sara Lewis if you can volunteer or can host a science, technology, arts or music table: serowe@gmail.com.

  • March 31: No school – Professional Development Day for Teachers.

  • April 3-10: No school – Spring Break.

  • April 11: TPES/PBES PTA mtg on zoom at 7pmTo request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com.

  • April 24-May 12: PE Swim Session 2.

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.

  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.


Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview


We need your help and support:

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com


PBES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pineybranches/

Find out the latest from the Panther Tracks Newsletter for PBES. Sign up for the PTA listserv or send an email to pbespta+subscribe@groups.io to start posting and receiving messages.

TPES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/takomaparkes/


February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


  1. Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Refer to MCPS 2022-2023 Calendar and see notes at the end of these minutes. Select highlights here:

    1. Black History Night – will be on February 22, 7-8:30pm at PBES, cosponsored by the TPES and PBES PTA’s. We’ll have live performers and light refreshments, including our own Takoma Park Poet Laureate. For students and their families/caregivers.


  • TPES Key Dates/Announcements:
    1. TPES Book Fair: February 10-17. Students can shop at the fair during school. We will also have two days when the fair is open until 7:30pm for families to shop together. Please sign up to set up the fair, break it down, or staff the registers. For more details about the fair, including shopping hours, popular titles, and no-cash payment options, check out our homepage. Please email the Book Fair Committee with any questions.
    2. TPES Readathon Feb 27-March 24.  Most significant PTA fundraiser of the year. If you are able to volunteer to help by tracking minutes, please email Amanda Wagner at helloamandawagner@gmail.com.
    3. DC United TPES Fundraiser for March 25th game: Purchase tickets (each ticket costs $15 and includes an additional $5 donation for the TPES PTA for a total cost of $20) vs. New England Revolution. Click HERE to purchase tickets. First 50 seats are located in Section 114. Contact Emma Cohen-Dumani to make the purchase and donation (ecohendumani@dcunited.com) for the tickets.


  • PBES Key Dates/Announcements
    1. Geo-Bowl kicks off soon after being on hiatus since COVID.  Please email brittrhoads@gmail.com if you can volunteer.
    2. The PBES Readathon kicks off this week, starting with a book swap on Friday. Thanks to your support, we were able to collect enough gently used books for each student at PBES to take home a “new to them” book!  Need parent volunteers to staff the book swap on the 10th and to help us do the data entry of the minutes over the two weekends. Please sign up here if you can help with either. 
    3. Pool & Fundraising Update — Thanks to the Finn Family Group for a significant sponsorship gift toward the pool, along with all of the wonderful community donors who have given in recent weeks.  We also want to highlight that Sangroid Distilling Panther Valentine Gift Sale continues through Feb. 10 which go towards the pool. See the flyer sent to the listserv, or contact marykathryn.lee@gmail.com for info – you can order online for pick-up or delivery. Please give if you can or email Mary Kathryn or pbes.pta@gmail.com if you are able to help recruit Pool Sponsors. 


  1. Guest speaker Rob Ruffins, Assistant Director of State Advocacy at the Education Trust

Education Trust is a national organization committed to advancing policies and practices to dismantle the racial and economic barriers embedded in the American education system. Mr Ruffins is the assistant director for state advocacy, identifying and building strategic partnerships across the country. 

  • There is tension between the world as it should be and the world as it is and education has mirrored the most taut point of this tension.
  • Mr. Ruffin’s definition of public education:
    • School must be free
    • Must be compulsory
    • Must be accessible to each person
    • Must be high quality, more than the minimal/basic
  • Mr. Ruffin provided historical overview of public school laws/mandates/court battles in the US. Some key points/dates:
    • Massachusetts passed law (1850s?) indicating everyone should have education up to a point and it should be free. But basic levels of education not accessible to everyone. 
    • Not until 1920 that every state has a requirement that kids go to school. Free and compulsory is really only for white students. No system for education for black students
    • 1954: Brown vs Board- first time at any universal level that the govt makes any articulation that every student should have access to education. Every legally born and fully documented legal citizen of the U.S. should have access. But infrastructure doesn’t exist to fulfill this demand. 
    • Could not legally immigrate from Africa and Asia until the 1960s. Fair Housing Act. Elementary Education Act- passed April of same year as Voting Rights Act of 1965.
    • 1979- created Dept of Education. Full engagement re education is only 40 years old.
    • Not until 1982- Plyer (sp?) vs Doe Supreme Court confirms that every student in the US, regardless of their immigration status has a right to elementary and secondary education but the Court was still saying education was not a constitutional right while also upholding equal protection. SC not saying anything about the quality of the US education.
    • 2020: Supreme Court ruling re Detroit, MI- disparities were so great that violated the constitution. First time that the fed govt made a constitutional commitment that every student deserves quality education.


  • MoCO is one of the 20 biggest school districts in the US. incredibly diverse school district, ¾ of the students are non white, MoCo has diversity in income with a high proportion of low income students; increasing number of students where English is not the primary language; increasingly representative of the US and US students.
  • However, there is not just one MoCo. White student experience is different than a black or latino student experience; same true of differences in the experience of English, Spanish and Amharic-speaking students.
  • We know that black and latino students are more likely to be taught by novice teachers, less experienced principals and are less likely to be placed in advance/AP courses. The teachers who are the most experienced teach the most advanced courses, thus the black and latino students less likely to have access to these teachers, even when they get the same grade and are sitting in the same classrooms as white students which also means we’re spending less money on them


  • Three things make this a unique time in MoCo Educational history: Lots of money, opportunity for citizens to vote, and a strong advocacy network to help inform and mobilize voting.
    •  Blueprint For Maryland’s Teacher – $30billion. Biggest reform act in several decades. MoCo has more resources than ever. Majority of these resources are available for the next decade
    • Cares Act, American Rescue Plan also put in a lot of Federal money of which MoCo got $400million (local, then state, then Federal $ make up funding in that order). All of this money has to be spent by 2024
    • We have an opportunity to vote on how this money is spent before a public version of this document is made visible in 6 weeks. We can shape how MoCo will educate our youth for the next 10 years.
    • This is also a budget here for MoCo, we operate on 3 year budgets
    • Advocacy: advocate for students to be put in advanced placement classes (data suggests when you have more students in a school who take AP classes, student achievement goes up, attendance goes up)


  1. PBES Updated By-Laws – Membership Vote (Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President). Proposed update to the bylaws which are updated every three years. PBES PTA executive board has been working to update the Piney Branch PTA bylaws to ensure that they are in alignment with the Free State PTA template and with how we currently operate. Changes that have been made to the bylaws include updates to:
  • – the responsibilities for officers of the board in article VII.
  • – the language around who makes up the board of directors in article VIII.
  • – the duties of the executive committee in article IX.
  • – how committee chairs are selected in article X.
  • – the language around who represents our PTA in the Montgomery County Council of Parent Teacher Associations in article XII.
  • Link to bylaws: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGrcXkWTztQHhkpfWGBhNGgcKTr?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
  1. Treasurer’s Reports & Vote, Stephen Tippett, TPES PTA Treasurer Budget Report – vote for budget amendment passed
  • The TPES PTA proposes a budget amendment to increase the funding allotment to support additional scholarships for TPES families to have their students attend Little Scholars LLC after-school programs for students from $3500 to $7000 for the remainder of the 2022-2023 academic year
  • Budget update: a little bit ahead on fundraising and a little bit behind on spending! 
  • Ledger balance of $39,838.
  1. PBES PTA Treasury update from Kate Bauer.
  • Also ahead on fundraising as compared to spending. Readathon primary fundraiser. Gone above projected donations on fundraising
  • Big expenses were covering scholarships for after school activities and making payments to lifeguards for swim lessons
  • Ledger balance is $23,981    
  1. Volunteer Hall of Fame and help thank all volunteers. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucSOV9NXPnYnnFvkZIKfwYi50KMEnQUtqCarVSSIVJc/edit


List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Reminder on Upcoming Dates/events: 

  • Feb. 1, PBES English Language Development Night
  • Feb. 1-17, PBES Read-a-thon – 
  • Feb. 9-10, PBES Geo Bowl quizzes
  • February 10 – 17: TPES Book Fair  
  • February 20: No School – President’s Day
  • [Feb. 22 or 23: Black History Night at PBES, sponsored jointly by the TPES & PBES PTAs]
  • Feb 27-March 24: TPES Read-a-Thon
  • Next joint PTA meeting: Mar. 7, 7pm on Zoom. To request topics for future PTA agendas, please reach out to president@tpespta.net or pbes.pta@gmail.com

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.


Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview


We need your help and support:

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com


PBES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pineybranches/

Find out the latest from the Panther Tracks Newsletter for PBES. Sign up for the PTA listserv or send an email to pbespta+subscribe@groups.io to start posting and receiving messages.

TPES Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/takomaparkes/ 

December 2022 Meeting Minutes

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Parent & Teacher Association Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom 

1. Key dates and announcements (see additional details at end of minutes): 

2. LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Support with MCPS Instructional Specialist Yael Astor from MCPS Office of School Support & Well-Being

  • Info re anti bias and antiracist lens/support coming through language arts curriculum at TPES and PBES
  • Using books to cultivate LGBTQ+ affirming spaces – reviewed books available to MoCo teachers featuring LGBTQ+ affirming identity; often the characters’ LGBTQ+ identity is incidental rather than central to the plot
  • Goal is to normalize representation and conversations featuring LGBTQ+ / nonbinary gender expression
  • Presented topics/questions to help continue the conversation at home
  • If children want to opt out of the books, caregivers can speak to child’s teacher and an alternative text will be provided 
    • TPES Dr. Gadsden reports working to normalizing LGBTQ+ stance; working with the children re using gender-specific + gender-neutral bathrooms
    • PBES Ms Oberdorff & Mr Weerts noted that the kids are pushing the conversation about LGBTQ+ support/inclusion – an additional gender-neutral bathroom has been put into the school. Explored how PBES staff are talking to children to support how they identify themselves and how the school can best support them. Rainbow club is having lunch bunches with staff
    • HOW TO GET INVOLVED: Rainbow Club – contact Jon Frederick or Britt Peterson co-chairs of Rainbow Club at RainbowClubTKPK@gmail.com or MoCo virtual Rainbow Club: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EilYbFeV4Mq7lzsPzPiycO2gmT-Ve-cB/view?usp=share_link

3. Thank you to volunteers! TPES and PBES PTA Volunteer Hall of Fame https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucSOV9NXPnYnnFvkZIKfwYi50KMEnQUtqCarVSSIVJc/edit  

4. TPES Dolphin Drive with Diana Hickey van Houwelingen About 81% of dolphin drive goal reached, still accepting donations via check or online

5. PBES Panther Appeal with Emma Cheusse surpassed goal and got to $11K+

6. Presentation and Q&A with Children National Medical Center re trifecta of COVID, Flu and RSV and what your family can do to stay as healthy as possible with Stephanie Evers, RN, MPH, Nurse Administrator, School Health Services, Montgomery County 

    • Flu season started earlier and with more cases this year; seeing a rise post-Thanksgiving
    • RSV, flu and Covid; all viruses, spread mostly by droplets. 
    • How to Protect:
      • Teach kids to sneeze / cough into their elbow
      • Keep hands off of your T-zone on your face
      • Keep social distance of six feet when possible
      • Get kids the flu shot 
      • Keep kids home when sick
      • Medical attention sought if signs of dehydration; fever lasting for more than 4-5 days, if signs/sxs of cough don’t improve or get worse, comorbidity with other dx

7. Treasurer’s Reports with TPES PTA Treasurer review of fundraising, membership and spending, teacher scholarships

8. Next meeting: Jan 3, 7pm on Zoom with Mr. Bledsoe and Ms Bozell regarding the reading curriculum and switch to structured literacy.


List of Upcoming Dates and Announcements

Upcoming Dates/events: 

  • December 7th: virtual Family Financial Fun Night. It is a 20-minute online activity to learn about saving and making good financial decisions that can lead to wonderful discussions with your children about this important topic. Complete the survey at the end of the program and be entered to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards! You may access the program HERE. See flyer attached in email from Kaitlin Caruso. 
  • December 9th: Little Scholars After School Scholarship Sign-Up Deadline – PBES families who need assistance with tuition for an afterschool club may use this link to sign up for a scholarship.  Little Scholars will then send a code to register for a club so please watch for that code after registering. Please contact Nicole Brown with any questions:  nbrown@littlescholarsllc.com. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwDpRCICVOh4DgeaHUwDM4dPRbWO5wGihSlGawF6TWSbVrDQ/closedform
  • December 12-22:  Little Scholars Registration will be open for After School Clubs that will run from January through March 2023. https://www.littlescholarsllc.com/at/piney-branch/If you are able, please donate to support club scholarships at this link: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/1082
  • By December 14th: TPES Holiday Gift Drive. We are looking for families to (anonymously) adopt a fellow TPES family and generously provide a gift for each of their children.You will be given the gender and age of each child. Each gift should be individually wrapped with a post-it that indicates the age and gender of the child for whom it is intended. Families range in size from one child to five children. If you are interested, please email Kaitlin Caruso (kaitlin.h.caruso@gmail.com) and if you have a preference for family size, please let me know. Gifts will need to be ready to be picked up from your front porch or brought to school by Wednesday, December 14th.
  • December 23-Jan 2: TPES and PBES closed for holidays 
  • Tues, January 3: PTA meeting with Mr. Bledsoe and Ms Bozell regarding the reading curriculum and switch to structured literacy.
  • Mon, January 16: TPES and PBES closed for Martin Luther King Jr/ Day of Service  
  • Fri, January 27: TPES and PBES closed for professional day for teachers/end of quarter grading 
  • Feb 13-17: TPES Book Fair

Announcements and Opportunities:

  • TPES Jolly raffle: Ms Paz has organized a raffle of tokens of gratitude and love, simple gestures and/or acts of kindness at least once or twice a week during the next few months. Consider donating anything from a gift card, “IOU” coupons, treats, etc. Please contact Ms Paz directly. 
  • Holiday gifts for TPES teachers/ staff: room parents will be organizing during month of December 
  • Snack donations for both TPES and PBES to be distributed to teachers and counselors to ensure all kids have access. Nut-free, healthy options requested. Delivery options: please drop off at the main office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm, or order for direct delivery to the school.
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. All families must either complete the application for Free or Reduced School meals from MCPS or deposit funds to pay for your child’s meals at school.

Deposit funds in your child’s “MySchoolBucks” account – link 

Apply for Free and Reduced Meals at School – link

No child will be turned away – PBES and TPES will ensure every child who requests food receives it, but applications are needed so no debt is accrued. The PTA equity teams are also seeking to support families during this time – please donate to the PBES PTA and TPES PTA and to Tommy’s Pantry to help fill gaps and ensure food access for all in our community. 

Reminder for all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview

October 2022 Meeting Minutes

TPES/PBES October PTA Meeting

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
7:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting

1. Intro (Margaret)

We’ll discuss social emotional learning curriculum. There will be a breakout room to jump into volunteer training with Dr. Gadsden. Tomorrow is Walk to School day. Tomorrow evening there will be a joint fiesta at Piney Branch. Thursday the 13th there will be a virtual Board of Education Candidates Forum that is sponsored by the League of Women Voters; relevant to anyone who votes for at-large or district candidates.

2. Piney Branch Garden (Robin Hernandez)

Crossroads community food network is a nonprofit serving the TKPK and Langley Park communities. Farmers market, community kitchen. Prior to Covid we were cooking in classrooms and going on field trips to the farmers market. During Covid, we held virtual classes and created a school garden with over 500 hours of volunteer work. Crossroads currently maintains the garden with donations, fundraising, grants, and a team of volunteers. Volunteers offer lessons to 5th graders, exploring the garden with all senses, and providing math, science and history lessons. We need volunteers to support our Monday afternoon classes. The garden has existed for 2 seasons. We hope to include more grades in the programing in the future, and are looking for volunteers for an hour on Monday afternoons. We do offer SSL hours for middle and high school students on half days and no school days. We have done family days in the past, including Dios de los Muertos. 

3.  Panther Appeal (Mary Kathryn Lee)

Looking to raise at least $5,000. Any donations are welcome. Funds are used to support initiatives like equity, literacy support, supplies, staff teacher appreciation, community events, and enrichments like PTA funded after school scholarships. As part of panther appeal, we thought it would be fun to have a friendly competition between grades. We will track participation and amount between grades. Grades could win a fun dance party, or a visit from PB&J. Look for matching donations. Still looking for a few volunteers. 

4.  Treasurer Reports (Kate and Stephen)

Kate says for Piney Branch the income side things look good. It’s the 2nd or 3rd year we haven’t had to ask for membership dues. For fundraising we’re also off to a good start. On the programming side we spent a sizable amount on club scholarships, we’ve also been funding supplies for teachers’ classrooms. Translation for various events. 

Stephen says the income up to now has mostly been donations and membership signups. Membership dues are $30 for single membership. The rest have been donations associated with membership signups. Fundraising will increase after dolphin drive. Expense side is bigger because several expenses were rolled over in summer months. Atrium project Lunch and Learn, helping out with different activities like field day, end of year celebrations. We haven’t spent that much yet this school year. In September we helped teachers for classroom setup. 

5.  Piney Branch SEL Curriculum  (Mrs. Oberdorf, Mrs. Johnson)

Social Emotional Learning at PBES. Karen Johnson is the counselor for 3rd and 5th grade. Mrs. Oberdorf says Ms. Coco-Content had her baby yesterday and everyone is well. 

Counselors do monthly lessons in the classroom. First lesson we did this month was to meet the counselor, in November common sense lessons-3rd grade responsibly, 5th grade bullying. Other lessons include unsafe touch, internet safety, kindness, empathy, problem-solving, careers, self-regulation. We consult with teachers when they have concerns. Since covid, we haven’t run any groups, but when we do the groups are about friendship management. We also are there for crisis response, suicide. We do case management for 504 plans for students. We work closely with the Pupil Personnel Worker, Ms. Wilson, and we also coordinate with her for any students who need additional support of basic needs. School backpacks filled with supplies, coat, gloves. Work with her so parents have access. Member of the student wellbeing team. Teacher referral – teacher may have a concern about students attendance.. Monitor and outreach. Bring about support for that student. 

Mental health awareness week is moved to next week. We will be having several announcements. On Monday we will have a MCPS message and community circle. On Wednesday mediation activities. Thursday students will create care cards in class. Will include a self care tip to share with a friend or family member. Friday will salute the week and encourage students to wear their favorite hats to school.

Mrs. Oberdorf says we also have additional support from MCPS. We’ve been assigned a parent community coordinator. We also have a social worker, Alana Tipton, as well as Tariq Harris who is an instructional specialist in the Department of Student Engagement. We also have a lot of school wide programming. We always start with hello week, to combat social isolations. On Unity day, we wear orange as part of an anti-bullying national initiative. We do a Kindness Pledge every morning on the morning announcements. PB Jelly has a Mailbox, where students write notes recording acts of kindness for peers and staff. Those notes get posted on a bulletin board for recognizing respect and kindness. In addition, we have restorative practices. We talk about our core values. The student wellbeing team addressing needs to students. We are initiating the Leader in Me Classroom for more consistency in the classroom. This is the 1st year of implementation. This summer all of our teachers attended 2 full days of training. For the 1st quarter, we will have 2 major actions. The first is an implementation of lessons so we can start using common language to assign classroom roles. Have a common language in the school to describe how the students are contributing to the classroom community. 

6.  TPES Volunteer Training (Dr. Gadsden)

Rita Pierson says in order for kids and people to be productive and move forward they need positive relationships. Dr. Gadsden says we need you to volunteer. All schools operate with volunteers, private, parochial, etc. We’ve been given staffing based on the staffing policy, but we need more. Outdoor lunch is not a requirement but a request from parents. We want to support it but it takes all of us. We need extra parental support and involvement for loads of extra activities. We are not fully staffed. We’ve been looking for lunch and recess staff but no one has applied. 

We need outdoor lunch volunteers. Today it was canceled because we only have 1 volunteer. Small group reading volunteers. Junior great books is a program used for kids who need enrichment. They will read “great books” like old stories like Icarus and Little red riding hood with some deep questions. There are opportunities with Phonics lessons. Junior greet books is only for 1st and 2nd grade. We need 3 consecutive days in 1 week. For phonics lessons we are asking for 2 days, although it would be great to get a commitment for a month. 

Small group math support:

Our data says our math scores were not good during covid and last year. Kids are struggling. We would like help with small group math support. Looking for computerized math programs that have been shown to help. Math support could be a 1 day volunteer opportunity. You may not be with your child, but you would be making a contribution to your child’s environment. It gives teachers more time to focus on kids that need help. 

Special events coming up:

We want to go back to the old normal. Fun is incredibly healing. Many of our children are in need of more fun in their lives. Fall festival on October 31st. Teachers need more time to plan, and we need help unloading pumpkins. We have a popcorn machine and need volunteers to operate and help distribute. There will be extra recess. Nov 1st will be for 2nd grade because they are going on a field trip Oct. 31. No costumes or makeup. This is about fall so we can be equitable and inclusive. 

Let the teacher know in advance that you are coming. If the teacher is doing a whole class lesson, sit and wait. Encourage children to pay attention to the teacher. If kids are at a center, help kids at center. When there is a sub, circulate the room. 

Requirements for volunteers:

You can’t talk about someone else’s kid. You need to have confidentiality. We want to make sure that kids are socially, emotionally safe in your presence. Child Abuse and Neglect training for all volunteers for anybody coming more than once. The training is good for 3 years. 

Common volunteer scenarios:

Pick up reading materials, go and get kids you were assigned at their classrooms. Then go to a designated spot out in the open like the atrium. Do your lesson, return materials, and go on your way. For outdoor lunch it’s not just your presence. You must stop things that are not appropriate. Talk to the kids as if they are your neighbors kid. Math volunteers expected to take a group of kids to play a math game with kids. Might support kids getting a computer program, showing them how to log in. Do reinforce positive behaviors. If things escalate, do get staff help. There are people there that the kids know. With outdoor lunch kids can be warned, if kids don’t behave they can go back inside. Please step in when you see behaviors that are inappropriate. Say something basic like we keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves. Do not ever touch anyone’s child. An innocent touch on the shoulder might seem innocent to you but maybe not to the kid. Please don’t yell, if avoidable. Please don’t use inappropriate language. Do not allow yourself to be alone in a closed room with an individual child. 

A sign up form for the reading volunteers and for the fall festival will come out shortly. Room parent coordinators will be reaching out to all parents. Opportunities for classroom volunteering. Some teachers struggle to use volunteers. We will provide professional development for teachers. Grandparents can also volunteer. One parent suggested that Americorps might be a good partner for volunteers. 2nd grade field trip might need volunteers to Sharp’s Farm on October 31st. Every kid can go, and they do not have to pay. Parents can donate an equivalent amount to support folks who can’t pay. 

You can reach out to your room parent to coordinate classroom volunteering. The PTA will follow up with sign-up geniuses for all opportunities. If you are interested, we need help with the parking lot at pick-up or drop-off. Parent volunteers are needed to guide traffic and help with kids getting out of cars. 

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: September 2022

Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


7:00 Meeting Kick-off  – Kaitlin Caruso, TPES PTA VP of Communications & Emma  Cheuse, PBES PTA President

-Interpreters, including Ursula Indacochea for Spanish translation

-Kaitlin Caruso reviews dates/deadlines below

Updated MCPS School Calendar 2021-2022 

  • Little Scholars sign up until Sept. 13th; PTA-funded scholarship requests are due by Sept. 7th at TPES and by Sept. 9th at PBES 
  • Weds. Sept. 14th: Early Release (1:20 pm)
  • Thurs. Sept. 15th, 6:30-8:00pm, PBES Back to School Night
  • Weds. Sept. 21st: Deadline to enroll for Instrumental Music at PBES, available for all 4th and 5th Graders 
  • Mon. Sept. 26th, No School
  • Tues. Sept. 27th:  Little Scholars After School Clubs begin
  • Fri. Sept. 30th, Early Release (1:20 pm)
  • Sept. 15- Oct. 15: Our schools will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 
  • Weds. Oct. 5th, No School
  • Tues. Oct. 11th, Joint PTA Meeting (7pm, Zoom)
  • School Meals Applications due ASAP – free federal meals have ended. Info provided on how to pay
  • No child will be turned away – PBES and TPES will ensure every child who requests food receives it, but applications are needed so no debt is accrued. The PTA equity teams are also seeking to support families during this time – please donate to the PBES PTA and TPES PTA and to Tommy’s Pantry to help fill gaps and ensure food access for all in our community. 


Participants added their Back to School questions at this link during the meeting. If we can’t reply today we will follow up.


7:10: Principals’ Welcome to the School Year

Mrs. Christine Oberdorf, PBES Principal & Mr. Richard Weerts, PBES Vice Principal

  • Ms. Oberdorf – good first week welcoming 610 students
  • Dr. Zadia Gadsden, TPES Principal & Ms. Joi Hollis, TPES Vice Principal


7:20:  PTA Welcome, Calendar & Volunteer Opportunities

Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA President 

  • Goals is to restore PTA contributions to support the school to pre-pandemic levels, help with learning recovery and support students/families have a positive year 
  • Shared updated, hoped-for calendar including events supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, kindness; hopes to strengthen school-family connection
  • Need volunteers to help make these events happen through event support and fundraising
  • Introductions of PBES PTA 

Sara Lewis – Shared a link for a survey in chat/screen for volunteer interest at PBES and TPES; 

  • Reviewed PBES volunteer opportunities on the survey and highlighted special need for volunteers for the book fair, room parents, readathon (last year did not happen at PBES bc not enough volunteers but hoping to return it this year as a key source of fundraising), fish tank, Geobowl (has not occurred the past several years), teacher appreciation in May, organization multicultural events such as black history month, NAACP rep


PBES Key Volunteer Teams:

  • Events/In-School Volunteer Team (Contact Sara Lewis, serowe@gmail.com
    • Book Fair
    • Room Parents
    • Readathon (literacy event and fundraiser)
    • Fish Tank
    • GeoBowl
    • Teacher, Staff Support and Appreciation
    • Garden Clean-up or Planting
    • Multicultural Community events like Black History Month, Cultural Heritage Night
    • Other in-school volunteer needs like STEAM Night, Kindness/Leadership/Social & Emotional Learning event
    • NAACP Representative
  • Fundraising Team (Contact Mary Kathryn Lee, marykathryn.lee@gmail.com & Emma Cheuse, pbes.pta@gmail.com )
    • Panther Appeal
    • Business Sponsors
    • Other possible fundraising events to fund our ambitious budget this year
  • Equity Team (Contact Desiree Hernandez and Corey Null, d.hernandez0811@gmail.com, corey.null@gmail.com)
    • Social Service and counselor support
    • Translation, interpretation volunteers needed for Spanish and Amharic


Link to sign up now to volunteer for these opportunities with PBES PTA https://forms.gle/wLfSEs8M9EiBBcR59 or contact Sara Lewis to link up with a volunteer opportunity that matches your time and interest (serowe@gmail.com). Contact Chris Campbell to help with the School Fish Tank or to serve as a volunteer interpreter in Spanish or Amharic (ccampb4@mac.com). 


PBES PTA Executive Committee: board@pbespta.groups.io 

President – Emma Cheuse, pbes.pta@gmail.com 

Executive VP – Sara Lewis

Treasurer – Kate Bauer 

Secretary – Joyce McDonough

Equity Co-VPs: Desiree Hernandez and Corey Null

Fundraising VP: MaryKathryn Lee

Comms VP – Chris Campbell 

Membership VP – Erin Kelley

NAACP delegate needed (please contact pbes.pta@gmail.com if you will volunteer)


TPES PTA Overview

Ways to Stay Informed: 

  • Join the PTA listserve! https://groups.io/g/tpespta
  • Weekly TPES newsletter from Dr. Gadsden
  • New weekly PTA newsletter
  • Monthly PTA meetings first Tuesday of every month at 7pm


Joyce McDonough, TPES PTA Exec VP & PBES PTA Secretary

  • Introduces herself
  • Thanks to Estelle Jean coordinated kindergarten play dates; thanks for donations of indoor plants; thanks to teachers, administrators
  • Listed ways to stay informed including joining PTA (link provided), weekly TPES letter from Dr Gadsden, weekly PTA newsletter (summary of all of the events), monthly PTA Meetings
  • Listed ways for parents/caregivers to volunteer and get involved including using the survey/volunteer interest form
  • “School fun morning” where volunteers set up stations for kids to play/craft and allow teachers concentrated time to prepare for the next quarter
  • 5 classrooms still need room parents
  • Lunch volunteers; outdoor lunch volunteers organized by Laura Petes
  • Still need some leadership roles
  • This Friday at 4pm there is a playgroup meetup for those interested in organizing Hispanic Heritage month events
  • In school volunteers begin in October: two volunteer requirements (links supplied) child abuse neglect training and proof of vaccination
  • Join the PTA – scholarships available (links provided)


TPES PTA Executive Committee: 

President: Margaret McDonnell 

Executive VP: Joyce McDonough

Treasurer: Stephen Tippett

Executive Secretary: Dianne Kirsch

Membership Secretary: Justine Lassman

VP of Communications: Kaitlin Caruso

VP of Membership: Estelle Jean

VP of Fundraising: Diana Hickey van Houwelingen

VP Equity: Jon Frederick

County Delegate: Rebecca Schaeffer

NAACP Representative: Sharon Gaskins



Volunteer interest form: https://forms.gle/wLfSEs8M9EiBBcR59 


TPES Key Volunteer Teams:

  • Events/In-School Volunteer Team
    • Room Parents (coordinator: Annie Kneedler, akneedler@gmail.com )
    • Dolphin Drive (November; Diana Hickey van Houwelingen, Diana.s.hickey@gmail.com )
    • Book Fair (February; Shivani Sutton, shivani.sutton@gmail.com )
    • Readathon (literacy event and fundraiser – March; Amanda Wagner, helloamandawagner@gmail.com)
    • TKPK5K Race Committee Representative (race in May)
    • Health and Wellness Committee (includes garden, atrium, teacher wellness room): Mari Quenon, mariannaq@gmail.com
      • Garden – work day for native plantings and invasives removal Ellen Marcus, ellen@actsofpaint.com 
    • Multicultural Community events
    • Social Services Coordinator: Kaitlin Caruso, kaitlin.h.caruso@gmail.com
    • Staff Appreciation Committee – vacant – need chair! 


One-time volunteer opportunities: 

  • Book Fair (sign up for shifts)
  • Readathon (tally up minutes)
  • Staff appreciation (deliver meal, coffee, etc.)
  • Garden and atrium beautification
  • Field trip chaperones? 
  • School Fun Mornings – fall, winter, spring (supervise fun activity stations so teachers can prep reading/math together as grade level team) 
  • Lunch and/or recess volunteers


Regular (weekly or bi-weekly) volunteer opportunities: 

  • Classroom volunteer (work with classroom teachers, often during reading or math centers; can include cutting lamination, decorating bulletin boards, etc.)
  • Lunch and/or recess volunteers 
  • Enrichment reading groups 
  • Outdoor lunch option? If we have parent volunteers, we can host optional outdoor lunch for families who opt-in. 
  • Room Parent (~monthly commitment)


Join the TPES PTA: https://tpespta.net/join/


For all volunteers: MCPS Volunteer Training and support guide – please complete this before you are scheduled to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1URJRNYdUyyL0ghVzZ32xLqPmkE7IwUvcRF2qid89ojA/preview


7:30:  Back to School Q&A with the Principals & PTAs 

           (facilitated by Kaitlin & Emma)

  • Q: which PBES teachers were able to take the Benchmark Advanced Enrichment? Oberdorff explains that all teachers were required to take this training and took it last year
  • Can you share the PBES MAP scores and break down by demographics? Oberdorff did not have that data for tonight; MAP assessments will begin next week and offered to share it another time
  • Are there any vacancies at PBES? One vacancy for 5th grade teacher
  • TPES – new K family curious about how lunch works / myschoolbucks is organized; Dr. G explains
  • When will the pool reopen at PBES? Ms. Oberdorff has a meeting on Monday with the people re-opening the pool, pool has passed inspection; possibly opening at the end of September
  • Can PBES bring back mid-morning snack for 3rd graders? Ms. Oberdorff explains that there were no snacks during Covid. Did not plan on having a universal snack option bc of disparity in access to snacks and stigma re receiving school snacks. For students who need  snack accommodations can be arranged.
  • Question re safety crossing PBES parking lot – Oberdorff explains that we do have staff available at arrival and dismissal
  • Is PBES taking a new approach to staffing this year? Programming in 4th and 5th grade is different bc of the accelerated math courses offered; in 3rd grade they stay in their homeroom for both.
  • Will there be Covid notifications this year? Gadsden reports yes for TPES
  • MySchoolBucks question – about how to check if/when money was deducted (lunch card is not required but is handy bc it has their ID/Pin number on it
  • For those excited to volunteer reach out to PTA


7:45:  PTA Business


           PBES PTA: Vote on County PTA Delegate (Nominee: Matthew Stark Blumin)

  • Matthew Stark Blumin volunteered to represent PBES on a county level to strengthen school policies
  • Movement seconded; nomination passed


            Treasurer’s Reports and Budget Votes

  Kate Bauer, PBES PTA Treasurer

  • Shared budget
  • Last year did not do a lot of active fundraising, had a substantial carryover, did well with booster PTA donations
  • Last year we put the book fair under fundraising but it becomes a credit for the school to buy books (looks like we raised $10K but actually closer to $2.5K)
  • Readathon is an important PTA fundraiser as well as proceeds for selling Panther gear
  • Expenses – increased on income side
  • Biz sponsorships will be encouraged/recognized this year
  • This year the pool will be opened again and historically the PTA has sponsored the pool rental (it’s a county, not school pool) and helped to pay for lifeguards in December and March typically. It’s a sizable expense that the PTA takes on
  • Fundraising expenses will change in that the readathon will now be moved to this line item; need to replenish the small size Panther gear
  • School support is budgeted at $4K for appreciation and hopefully training this year
  • PTA operating funds: several hundred dollars a year spent on the software running PTA budgeting, membership, etc – but need a volunteer to help transfer to a free option being offered through the state PTA (PayPal fees, translations, childcare at BTS night, etc)
  • Total budget is $8K more than last year but due to ramp up in activities offered to increase connection between school/community
  • Membership voted: voted to pass budget


Stephen Tippet, TPES PTA Treasurer

  • Introduced himself
  • Shared budget
  • Proposed budget – PTA fundraises everything they have from their community (no continuing donation support through memberships or grants typically)
  • Membership dues are $3K, plus $2K through membership donations
  • Main incomes areas are Dolphin drive in November ($10K) and readathon in March ($10K). These are low projections based on last year
  • Similar to PBES re book fair – the money is ‘pass through’ comes in as income but goes to Scholastic to purchase books for the school
  • Outreach and social events expenses are $2.5K
  • PTA Admin expenses are $3K
  • School programming expenses (including cultural assemblies, gardening, equity & inclusion, scholarships for enrichment clubs are $19,050
  • Staff support expenses including classroom set-up at $4K, Dr Gadsden Literacy program with black and brown students at $2.5K totals $11,850
  • Budget at $43,500; expecting to leave around $25K for next school year
  • Membership voted to pass and adopt the budget


8:00:  Thanks & Next Steps – Emma (PBES PTA)

  • Volunteering encouraged 
  • Oberdorff will send out MAP schedule
  • Dr Gadsden, wanted to stay on to talk to TPES families about Math to answer questions

Become a PTA member, donate, become a sponsor, sign up to volunteer:

Takoma Park Elementary School PTA: https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary School PTA: https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com

TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: June 2022


Takoma Park Elementary School(TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom 


Agenda will include: (1) Voting on Executive Committee and bylaws, (2) break-out panels for rising TPMS (graduating 5th grade) and rising PBES (future 3rd grade) families to discuss the process of transitioning to a new school; and (3) importantly, please join to share kudos and appreciation for all PTA parent volunteers from this year, hopes and ideas for the next.

7:00 Welcome from Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA VP of Communications

Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Chris Campbell, TPES VP of Communications. Refer to Updated MCPS School Calendar 2021-2022 


 –  Last week of school reminders: 

  • Please respond to your Classroom parent’s message about the end of year class gift and teacher thank you – let’s help our teachers feel appreciated and give them a warm summer send-off after their year of hard work.
  • Remember ASAP to return all library books to TPES and PBES.


– Weds. June 8th, 5pm – deadline to vote in the 16th Annual Azalea Awards. Many TPES, PBES and local community volunteers are nominated. https://www.takomafoundation.org/awards/azalea/16th-annual-azalea-awards.html 

  • Weds, June 8th: TPES Field Day 


– Weds. June 8th, 4:30-7pm PBES Vaccination Clinic.

Link for Pfizer 5-11: https://www.marylandvax.org/appointment/en/reg/7869020921

Link for Pfizer 12+: https://www.marylandvax.org/appointment/en/reg/0613929087 


– Tuesday, June 14th, 9:40am-10:40am: Second Grade Promotion Ceremony at TPMS. Guests limited to two guests per student. Masks will be mandatory. Ceremony will be livestreamed


-Thursday, June 16th, 9:45-10:45am (doors open at 9:30am): Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony at PBES. Guests limited to two guests per student. 

  • 3:30pm Clap Out (doors open at 3:15pm – no seating required)

  • Friday, June 17th: Last Day of School (Early release at 1:20pm)
  • Staff appreciation lunch hosted by the PBES PTA


7:10:  PTA Volunteer Appreciation & Kudos – Joyce McDonough, TPES PTA Exec VP & Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA VP of Communications


7:13:  Executive Committee Voting – PBES Nomination Committee Chair (Shelly Hill), TPES Nomination Committee Chair (Joyce McDonough)


PBES PTA Executive Committee for 2022-23

President – Emma Cheuse

– Executive VP – Sara Lewis

– Treasurer – Kate Bauer 

– Secretary – Joyce McDonough

– Equity Co-VPs: Desiree Hernandez and Corey Null

– Fundraising VP: MaryKathryn Lee

– Comms VP – Chris Campbell 

– Membership VP – Erin Kelley

(County delegate – VOLUNTEER NEEDED – please contact pbes.pta@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering and we will follow up at the start of the year).


Passed unanimously.


TPES PTA Executive Committee for 2022-23

President: Margaret McDonnell 

Executive VP: Joyce McDonough

Treasurer: Stephen Tippett

Executive Secretary: Dianne Kirsch

Membership Secretary: Justine Lassman

VP of Communications; Kaitlin Caruso

VP of Membership: Estelle Jean

VP of Fundraising: Diana Hickey van Houwelingen

VP Equity: Jon Frederick

County Delegate: Rebecca Schaeffer


Passed unanimously


7:15: By-laws Vote


TPES: Joyce McDonough

Updated by-laws need to be approved by our membership at least every three years. Nothing of note has changed except that we are now under Free State PTA, which is the MD arm of the National PTA. 

Motion has passed

(Next PBES bylaws vote planned for next year).


Informal vote/feedback for both TPES and PBES PTA: 

Do you prefer to keep most PTA meetings on Zoom next year? 

Would you like to have at least one in-person PTA meeting in the fall to visit the school?

– Chat feedback showed: strong preference for most meetings to be Zoom (“helpful to our family, helpful to be able to do other events,” “brings more people together” “makes it easier”, more participation on Zoom than in-person) and for 1-2 meetings, including one early in the fall and possibly one in late spring (or the last one), to be in-person “to feel connected,” “come together as school communities” or do all business meetings on Zoom and in-person for parents/volunteers “networking, connecting gathering.”  


7:20: Treasurer’s Reports and Summer Budget Vote

Stephen Tippett, TPES Treasurer and Kate Bauer, PBES Treasurer 

TPES: Proposing$100 gift card end of year support to each of the teachers for staff appreciation

Tommy’s pantry now officially separate from TPES

PTA taxes submitted and accepted

Available balance now 39,000

Amendment has passed


Summer budget:

Outreach and social- end of year party TPES staff

Maintenance Atrium redo

Wellness center redo

Summer book club

Misc funds as needed

Summer budget has passed


Carryover last year 27,000

Not much income this month

Expenses: PB&J costume

PTA supported Field day t-shirts for students and staff

Operating expenses: insurance, software, translation

Staff support- lunch on last day of school

gift/boxed lunch for 5th grade graduation


Summer budget: 

Events and fundraising- to purchase Panther gear in advance

Programs and committees: funds to have available equity committee to support summer school needs

Professional development opportunities for staff

Operating: translating welcome back packets

Summer budget has passed



7:25: TPES to PBES Transition // PBES to TPMS Transition Breakout Rooms

Chris Campbell will help execute breakout rooms. 


TPES to PBES Moderator: Amanda Wagner

Panelists: Liz Adams, Meg McDonald, and Lauren Greenberg


PBES to TPMS Moderator: Kathryn Bacon Goldman

Panelists: Maya Miller, Kara Lee Monahan and Amy Gibson Grant


PBES and TPMS Breakout Room for Spanish or Amharic interpretation

Panelist: Emma Cheuse, Luis Meijia, and Hailu Gtsadek


  • Topics: I bet there will be many questions that come up organically in the chat box, and the moderators will help to bubble these up to the panelists. Besides this, I think it would be helpful for the panelists to have a few questions that they know the moderators will ask them. I throw out the following questions, but please let me know if you think there are any questions that would be good to ask to the panel!
  1. What are some things you would note about the academic transition to 3rd/6th grade? 
  2. What are some things you would highlight about the social transition to 3rd/6th grade?
  3. What is one piece of advice that you would give to a rising 3rd/6th grade student during their first week of school? What is one piece of advice that you would give to their parents? 
  4. What are some additional tips and tricks for navigating the new school, for parents and students?
  5. What surprised you the most about the transition to PBES/TPMS?

Incoming PBES families, please feel free to put your questions, suggestions for the PTA or for the school into this Google doc, and we will share with the PBES school staff and will help follow up after the meeting if there is a question we can’t get to in this meeting.   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-AmCFI4oX4PGDiIl-ab2VjH5ruN0yJDjaGqHR6EW21A/edit 


Become a PTA member: 

Takoma Park Elementary https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com


TPES PTA Meeting Minutes: May 2022

Takoma Park Elementary School(TPES)

Piney Branch Elementary School (PBES) 

Parent & Teacher Meeting (PTA)

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom 

Please mark your calendar for our next PTA meeting on June 7, 7-8pm

Agenda will include: (1) Voting on Executive Committee and bylaws; (2) break-out panels for rising TMPS and PBES families to discuss the process of transitioning to a new school; and (3) importantly, please join to share kudos and appreciation from this year, hopes and ideas for the next.

7:00    Welcome from Emma Cheuse, PBES PTA VP of Communications

Upcoming Dates and Announcements – Chris Campbell, TPES VP of Communications. Refer to Updated MCPS School Calendar 2021-2022 

— TPES Outdoor Lunch Option: The outdoor lunch option is once again open for sign up. Please remember children will be given the option of eating outside only if parents have signed them up using the link below. You must sign your child up again even if you signed up in the past. When children eat outside, they must follow the directions of the adults supervising them. By signing your child up for the option to eat outside you recognize the increased hazards that are associated with rain or low temperatures. We will work diligently to make sure eating outside is safe, comfortable and accessible but during the spring months there may be mud and puddles. Children cannot run around, play in or throw things during outdoor lunch. This sign up will remain open until May 15, 2022, and the new roster of kids eating outside will go into effect on May 3, 2022. Once the sign up closes, there will not be another opportunity to opt into outdoor lunch. Sign Up for Cold Weather Outdoor Lunch

— May 2-6: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week; TPES PTA is sponsoring a breakfast and ice cream social for teachers and staff. PBES PTA is sponsoring garden gifts, a snack break, lunch, and coffee hour– and asks that families please send art, cards, notes, emails, photos and thank you messages to your student’s teacher and to the school’s main office for all staff by this Thursday May 5, for delivery by Friday.  Let’s help all staff feel appreciated for their hard work this year! Classroom parents, please remind your rooms to participate and please take this as a reminder to thank teachers on behalf of your whole classroom.   

— May 4: Bike to School Day 

– May 4-5: 3rd Grade State Testing (MCAP) at PBES  (schedule link)

— May 12: NAACP Parent Council meeting for Takoma Park ES at 6:30 via Zoom. We will be joined by Dr. Gadsden and will have the opportunity to talk about end of year transitions and how to best support our students over the summer.

— May 18: early release day 

— Sat May 21 4pm: MCPS Night out with DC United 

— May 15-31: Reminder about PTAs and the Takoma Park Safe Routes to School program have organized the 2022 Virtual 5K and Fun Run! Register TODAY to get a free t-shirt and be eligible to win one of four raffled gift cards. Prizes will be raffled every few weeks in the lead-up to the race, so the earlier the registration, the more chances to win! Will include the registration link in the chat: https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/WhereEverYouLovetoRun/TakomaParkSafeRoutestoSchoolVIRTUALTKPK5K

  • PTA Executive Committee Openings- there will be a vote for the TPES and PBES PTA Executive Committee positions for the 2022-2023 school year at the June 7th PTA meeting. The positions are open to all. 

  • TPES: the current President, Executive VP, Treasurer, Executive Secretary, MCCPTA  Delegate, and NAACP Representative are willing to serve a second year and the following positions are available/open: VP of Communications, VP of Membership, VP of Fundraising and VP of Equity. Please contact members of our nominating committee: Joyce, Chris and Kelly.

President Margaret McDonnell
Executive Vice President Joyce McDonough
Treasurer Stephen Tippett
Executive Secretary Diane Kirsch
Membership Secretary vacant
Vice President Communications vacant/TBD
Vice President Membership vacant
Vice President Fundraising vacant
Vice President Equity vacant
MCCPTA Delegate Rebecca Shaeffer
NAACP Representative Sharon Gaskins

  • PBES PTA positions:

PBES 2022-2023
President vacant
Executive Vice President vacant
Treasurer Kate Bauer
Secretary vacant
Vice President Communications Emma Cheuse [may shift to a different spot]
Vice President Membership vacant
Vice President Fundraising vacant
Vice President Equity vacant
MCCPTA Delegate
Appointed, not elected:
Gifted and Talented Liaison

  • TPMS: Greg Swaluk joining from TPMS PTA to highlight the need for PTA volunteers at the Middle school next year: 1 min.

7:10-30:  Principals Presentations & Q&A re learning disruption and recovery 

Ms. Oberdorf-

School Improvement plan

Literacy and mathematics instructional focus

Assessment OF and FOR learning

Acceleration of learning

Tutoring and intervention support

Professional learning

 Example of MAP data 3rd grade- Fall 2021- Wnter 2022- increasing the percent of students on grade level

Comparing cohorts of grade level students to see how they are doing

Do data analysis at each level to get big picture

Math Recovery:
Focus on Major Content

3 year plan focused on Eureka math

Continue with curriculum

Focus on foundational principals- catching up building foundational content

Tutoring and summer program

Equip- preassessment tool to allow teachers to preassess before module

Started Jan

Allows for targeted instruction of foundational skills within grade level instruction

Planning for engagement

Hands on opportunities

School wide focus on supporting student discourse

Reading- intentional big picture then focus on smaller picture- seeing where kids are 3rd graders

Left out year of virtual testing

Reading recovery:
consistent instruction at grade level

Move forward into grade level content with supports

Increased direct instruction of foundational skills and word study skills in small reading groups

Tutoring/summer programs

Prioritizing level skills and content


Ongoing progress monitoring to drive planning and instruction

Outside: Doing a lot to increase student wellbeing

Counselor allocation increased to 2.0

School wide kindness initiative- highlight acts of kindness as reported to PB Jelly

To report each other for kindness

Student wellbeing committee

Review student attendance and references from teachers

To give students/ families help that they need

Dr. Gadsden:

Same thing that Mrs. Oberdorf

Data: March 2022

Current KG- toddlers when pandemic start; 1st graders most affected- because virtual pandemic year; 2nd graders- ¾ of KG was in person, so reading less affected.

Reading at target in March 22-

KG: 80%

First: 62%

2nd: 81%

What this data does not show is what the growth that kids made- many kids, although still behind, have grown tremendously this year.

KG: 91%

1st: 86%

2nd: 77%

Second graders not doing as well in math due to change in curriculum. 2nd graders least amount of exposure to Eureka

Working with teachers to help them adapt to new curriculum and formats.

Data by Categories: 1st grade- reading- reading level, Math- Formative assessment March

Only 4 Asian students- all 4 are meeting benchmarks-

African American 62% Reading 89% math

White: 71 reading/85% math
Hispanics- 25% reading 55 Math

English Language Learners 31/ 63;

FARMS 39/70%

Special Ed/IEP 44/78%

Didn’t take MAP in January

1st grade most impacted and largest group

2nd: challenge- kids came in at Kindergarten reading level, grew 1 year in ¾ of a year, but still not at grade level


AA 84/63

Asian 100/75

W: 82/93

H 33/40

M 76/92

ELL 32/55

Special ED


Kindergarten- doing Fantastic!
Generally representative of how students do


AA 80/98

Asian 80/100

W 100/100

H 44/86

ELL 55/ 90

FARMS 64/93

Sp ed 100/100

Summer school

Create ARTS- target kids 2nd language learners


Other programs for recovery

Student wellbeing team working biweekly on attendance

Biggest challenge Attendance- lots of children kept home kids because they were scared would miss school. Can’t teach if kids don’t come to school

After school tutoring in person and bus transportation- for PBES

After school tutoring at TPES 5 days a week

Summer school at middle school for TPES and PBES with KA giving before and aftercare

PBES: Summer school invitations went out for students not on grade level

For TP- tutoring- reached out to specific kids who are behind

MCPS says no one will be turned away even if they were not invited

8 teachers teaching- 200 invitations sent out

Looking to see what response- to see if can open up to more students at a later point

If interested don’t hesitate to reach out to teacher or school

If worried about students losing knowledge/skills over summer, sign them up for summer school even if meeting targets

Summer school will have reading, math and specials

7:30: Emma Cheuse (PBES PTA and volunteer with the Joint PTA Panthers & Dolphins Rainbow Club) will introduce Mark Eckstein to talk about inclusion, support, and affirmation for LGBTQ kids and allies in our schools. Mark is Chair of the MCCPTA LGBTQ Subcommittee and Member of the MCPS PrideAlliance and he will speak to and address questions on resources available for our local schools such as policies and guidelines for LGBTQ+ and gender identity inclusion, anti-bullying, curriculum and family support across the rainbow spectrum.  Please get your questions and comments ready in the chat. 


Mark Eckstein MCCPTA

MetroDC has Pride Alliance



MCPS will begin an initiative this fall will be doing LGBTQ inclusive curriculum K-12-

Imbedding it into Benchmark curriculum

Has been working on this for 5 years

1 LGBTQ inclusive lesson per grade offering content 2-3 days

Data: if represented in curriculum and seen, bias incidences/bullying will go down

Bias and Bullying-important to use MCPS forms- has spent a lot of time in making them LGBTQ inclusive in terms of language

With reporting get data and funding- so very important for form to be used

Federal Title IX mandates now includes gender identity/expression and sexual orientation

By and large the MCPS LGBTQ doing well and thriving

Lots of affirming initiatives:

MoCo Pride Students

LGBTQ studies class

Restrooms- trying to revamp- refocus bathrooms to improve experience for all students including trans/gender nonconforming

Minimum; at least 1 all gender single stall restroom in each school

Authentic identification- lot of data about virtual learning through the pandemic and hardships for our students because of naming/pronouns

Really try to support students with names and pronouns

In elementary schools big things students using gender neutral pronouns-

Don’t want to out people- can be traumatic

List of LGBTQ resources for elementary schools

Annual PRIDE townhall Sat May 21 8:30-12:30 WJ high school

MCPS has new LGBTQ webpage


Netflix series: heartstopper


 Closing comments by Jon Frederick (TPES Parent) and volunteer with the Joint PTA Panthers and Dolphins Rainbow Club. Jon will also highlight the Rainbow Club’s next event – Drag Queen Story Hourcohosted by the Takoma Park MD Library on Sunday June 5, 1pm in the Takoma Community Center auditorium, with a meet-and-greet outside afterward.


7:55    Treasurer’s Reports 

Stephen Tippett, TPES Treasurer and Kate Bauer, PBES Treasurer 

Kate Bauer:
17,000 earmarked grants

Spent 11,000

Need executive committee members next year- will have significant carryover, will need to have more activities next year to do the programing and support the school

Stephen Tippet:

Raised 35,000 (thought it would be less)

Tommy’s pantry separating this month

Spending less than raised. Continuing to spend some money on events through rest of year and into the summer.

Notes from the Principals’ presentation:

Please contact your student’s teacher if you would like to sign up for after-school tutoring and bus transportation.

More info on summer school — Last week some of our students received an invitation to attend summer school.  The goal of this year’s program is to support students who need additional or repeated instruction of the previous grade level and/or are currently achieving below grade level in reading and/or math.  If you received an email about summer school, please use the directions at the link in the message to register in ParentVUE by May 3rd.  If you have any questions please contact Robert Bledsoe, our Reading Specialist at Robert_Bledsoe@mcpsmd.org.

Summer school will have reading, math, and specials.  If you think your child would benefit from summer school and did not receive an invitation by email, please contact your child’s teacher or the principal for information on how to join.

Links from tonight’s meeting with resources.  

Mark Eckstein’s presentation on LGBTQ+ Resources at MCPS

For county-wide information and resources, please feel free to contact Mark Eckstein at markeckstein@hotmail.com or reach out to the Rainbow Club at PBES/TPES at: rainbowclubtkpk@gmail.com

Slides link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FLMLawDpPyB3jjgwT-Vs9JrH2jZHWTPEGMUkkArd4ng/edit#slide=id.g127b1693411_0_124

Here is the Bullying Form to use to report LGBTQ+ or any other bullying incidents, please include specifics to help ensure all incidents are tracked and coded –https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/compliance/

MCCPTA Leaders

–  https://www.mccpta.org/mccpta-leaders.html

Free State Justice


Student Leadership at MCPS – Pride:


LGBTQ Resources for Elementary Schools — https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYQe87ancNwD6s5xBveRmidW8HXlBNmg_eqm4kNM79Y/edit

New MCPS LGBTQ Webpage for staff, students and families — https://news.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/staff-bulletin/new-lgbtq-webpage-includes-resources-for-staff-students-and-parents/?fbclid=IwAR0-5ryIe4TGAAVMFI0mqYKb8MDKEGa0Zjm3aiCUxb7JspdZmeNkpQxC5CI

Here is a resource for any attendees who have middle school or older students – GSA Network – Devising Freedom: https://gsanetwork.org/campaigns/devising-freedom/  They are hosting a youth movement assembly on June 21st

Become a PTA member:

Takoma Park Elementary https://tpespta.net

Piney Branch Elementary https://pineybranchpta.membershiptoolkit.com